NO. | 公司名称合伙人计划Company name | 认证范围 Certificate scope | 公司地址 address |
1 | 国药控股股份有限公司 Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国上海市福州路221号 No221, Fuzhou Road, Shanghai,China |
2 | 国药控股北京有限公司 Sinopharm Group Beijing Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国北京市崇文区三元西巷甲12号 No.Jia12, Sanyuanxixiang, Chongwen District, Beijing, China |
3 | 国药控股广州有限公司 Sinopharm Group Guangzhou Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国广州市荔湾区站前路22号 No.22, Zhanqian Road, Liwan Distric Guangzhou, China |
4 | 国药控股天津有限公司 Sinopharm Group Tianjin Co., Ltd. Branch | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国天津市和平区大连道1号 No.1, Dalian Road, Heping District Tianjin, China |
5 | 国药控股沈阳有限公司 Sinopharm Group Shenyang Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国沈阳市和平区北二马路35号 No.35,Beier Road Heping Distric Shenyang, China |
6 | 国药控股北京华鸿有限公司 Sinopharm Group Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国北京市崇文区光明路11号天玉大厦508室 508 Room Tianyu Mansion No.11, Guangming Road Chongwen District, Beijing, China |
7 | 国药控股分销中心有限公司 Sinopharm Group Shanghai Waigaoqiao Medicine Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国上海市外高桥保税区港澳路389号5号楼3楼 3F, No5 Building, No389, Gangao Road, Wai Gao Qiao Bonded Zone , Shanghai, China |
8 | 国药集团药业股份有限公司 Sinopharm National Medicine Corporation., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国北京市崇文区永外三元西巷甲12号 No Jia12, Sanyuanxixiang, Yongwai,CHongwen District Beijing, China |
9 | 国药物流有限责任公司 China National Pharmaceutical Logistic Corp., Ltd. | 药品的物流 Logistics of medicine. 市场环境分析 | 中国北京市经济技术开发区康定街8号 No.8, Kangding Street BDA, Beijing, China |
10 | 国药控股北京康辰生物医药有限公司 Sinopharm Group Beijing Healthstar Bio-medicine Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国北京市海淀区上地三街9号嘉华大厦A座7层 7F, Building A Jiahua Mansion,No.9, Shangdi No.3 Street, HaiDian District, Beijing, China |
11 | 国药控股江苏有限公司 Sinopham Group Jiangsu Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国江苏省扬州市文昌中路513号 No. 513 Middle Wenchang Road, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China |
12 | 国药控股苏州有限公司 SinopharmGroup Suzhou Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国苏州市东环路328号东环大厦12层1201室 No.88, Modern Avenue, Suzhou, China |
13 | 国药控股国大药房有限公司 Sinopharm Group Guo Da Pharmacy Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购和批发 Procurement and wholesale of medicine. | 中国上海市康宁路1089号 No.1089 Kangning Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai, China |
14 | 国药控股浙江有限公司 Sinopharm Group Zhejiang Co., Ltd. | 杜牧的清明药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国杭州市江城路887号联银大厦B座16楼 16th Floor, B Lianyin Building, No.887. Jiangcheng Road, Hangzhou, China |
15 | 国药集团西北医药有限公司 China National Medicines Northwest Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国西安市东大街139号 No. 139, East Street, Xi'an, China |
16 | 国药控股山西有限公司 Sinopharm Group Shanxi Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国山西省太原市高新街9奴隶帝国号 月色溶溶No.9 GaoXin Street Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. China |
17 | 国药集团西南医药有限公司 China National Medicine Southwest Company,, Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国四川省成都市高新区高朋东路5号 No.5 Gaopeng Dong Road, Hi-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Province,China |
18 | 国药控股湖北有限公司 Sinopharm Group Ltd. | 药品的采购, 9月思想汇报物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国武汉市洪山区石牌岭东一路2号 NO.2 DongYi Road, ShiPai Mountain, Hongshan District, Wuhan, China |
19 | 国药控股湖南有限公司 Sinopharm Group Hunan Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 Procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国长沙市东风路工商巷99号 No.99,GongshangLane,Dongfeng Road, Changsha, Hunan province, China |
20 | 深圳一致药业股份有限公司 Shenzhen Accord Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国深圳市八卦四路15号一致药业大厦 Accord Pharmaceutical Building, No. 15 , Bagua 4 Road, Shenzhen, China |
21 | 国药控股柳州有限公司 Sinopharm Group Liuzhou Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国广西省柳州市八一路23号 23 Bayi Road, Liuzhou, Guangxi Province, China |
22 | 国药控股南宁有限公司 Sinopharm Group Nanning Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国广西省南宁市中尧路7号 No.7, Zhongyao Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China |
23 | 国药控股云南有限公司 Sinopharm Group Yunnan Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国云南省昆明市盘龙区北京路延长线987号俊发中心3层3A区 Area 3A, 3rd floor, Junfa Center, No 987, Beijing Road, Longpan District, Kun Ming City, Yun Nan Province, China |
24 | 国药控股山东有限公司 Sinopharm Group Shandong Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国济南市天桥区北坦新菜市17号世宏商务中心1号楼4层 4th floor, Building 1, Shihong Business Centre, No 17 Bei Tan Xin Market, Tianqiao District, Jinan City, China |
25 | 国药控股宁夏有限公司 Sinopharm Group Ningxia Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 肚脐流脓procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国宁夏回族自治区银川市解放东街203号 No 203, JieFang Dong Road, Yin Chuan City, Ning Xia Province, China |
26 | 国药控股安徽有限公司 Sinopharm Group Anhui Co., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国合肥市经济技术开发区医药产业园 Medical Industry Zone, Economy and Technology Development Area, Hefei, China |
27 | 国药控股河南股份有限公司 Sinopharm Group Henan Corporation., Ltd. | 药品的采购, 物流和批发 procurement, logistics and wholesale of medicine | 中国郑州市东经济技术开发区航海东路与第八大街交汇处中信广场综合楼一楼 1st floor, Adminstration Building, Zhongxin Square, corner of Nr. 8 Avenue and Hanghai Dong Road, Economy and Technology Development Area, Zhengzhou, China 恶劣的意思 |
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