反求诸己∙The eagle is a powerful flying bird.(鹰是一种强大的飞行鸟类。)
∙The flock of birds flew away into the distance like a cloud.(鸟群飞向远处,像一朵云一样。)
基督教儿童舞蹈∙The bird's wings beat quickly and it flew away.(鸟儿的翅膀快速地扇动,飞走了。)
人性的枷锁∙The archer aimed his bow and arrow at the target.(弓箭手瞄准了目标。)
古代英雄故事∙炸红薯丸>cad图形缩小The sharpshooter hit the bullye with ea.(神枪手轻易地打中了靶心。)
∙Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the zodiac.(射手座是黄道带上的第九个星座。)