航空货运协议范本 中英文对照版

更新时间:2023-07-17 04:20:56 阅读: 评论:0

Cargo contract
甲  方:___________________________
乙  方:___________________________
Party A甲方:
Party B乙方:
Bad on the justice and willingness, after friendly negotiation both parties reached the agreement as below:
Party A provides party B the air cargo rvice as following: delivery design, cargo query, insurance commission, packing, air transportation, picking up and delivering the cargo .etc
2)乙方自收到甲方货物后至交航空公司交付客户止负责货物的安全保管。如发生遗失或损坏,乙方应向甲方作出赔偿,赔偿额按民航局规定。 (如外包装完好无损,内物缺少或损坏不在赔偿之列)
Party A has the responsibility for the safety of cargo from the consignation by party B till the airways deliver it to the receiver specified by party B. If the cargo was lost or damaged (not including the ca that exterior packing is in good condition), party A should make a compensation to B according to the related regulations of CAAC.
小雨点教案 3)乙方当天收到甲方货物后,按次日航班进行托运,如出现航班变动或调整等意外事件,则须及时通知甲方,双方相互协商另行调整航班。
Normally party A will consign the cargo to airline companies next day after receiving it from party B. If the flight schedule changed or unexpected accidents happened, party A should inform B in time to renew the delivery plan.
Party B must provide A the correct and detail address, name and contact phone number of the receiver. Any delay or lost caud by the error information of the receiver provided by party B, Party A will not take any responsibility in this ca.
5)重庆历史贵重物品如需投保,投保金额按保险总价值的      %收取保险费,一旦出险乙方则按保险公司的有关条例对甲方作出赔偿,如甲方未对其托运货物进行投保,一旦出险,乙方则按民航条例及程序向甲方作出赔偿(即物品遗失,缺损,按普通货物赔偿,每公斤最高赔偿人民币贰拾元正)
If party B want to buy insurance for the valuables, the commission is ____% of the total
insured value. Once need compensation, party A will pay for it to B according to the insurance items; however party A will only pay part of total value according to the regulations ( RMB 20 per KG ) of CAAC if no insurance.
To nail down the clientage, Party B must submit the consignation ticket with cachet on it to party A. and then party A will issue a corresponding freight sub-ticket to party B. If party B does not agree to the price of freight, party B must put it forward to party A within 24 hours, otherwi the price of freight will be regarded as confirmed by both parties.
7) 结算方式:              。到货后乙方将结算清单及凭证交甲方,甲方在5个工作日内付清。欠款额度为人民币高中读后感            。超过额度,乙方将立即将帐单交给甲方,甲方在收到帐单5个工作日内付清。所有欠款逾期支付,甲方必须向乙方每日支付欠款金额千分之五的滞纳金。甲方不得以任何理由拒付乙方运费。双方如有争执,应按协商原则处理,协商不成,可由乙方所在地市法院裁决,仲裁费用由败诉一方承担,除非另有规定。
The method of Payment: ___________. 后悔后After the whole delivery process is over, party A will submit related bills to party B who is suggested to pay for it within 5 days.
Max arrearage volume is RMB________. Once exceeding it, Party A will immediately submit all the bills to B, and party B must pay it off within 5 days. If party B still does not pay it off within 5 days for the overdue account, party B should pay the extra money by 0.5 % of the total arrearage per day.
Party B is not allowed to refu to pay for the freight with any excu.Any disputes arising from the execution of this contract shall be ttled through friendly consultations. In ca no ttlement can be reached, the ca in dispute shall then be submitted to local court on the side of party A for the arbitration.
德涅斯特河沿岸Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party ,unless otherwi awarded
This contract is in four originalseach Party holds two. And This contract, after its bein
g signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for one year. 新疆旅游景点大全
This contract includes the following attachments:
i)公司营业执照复印件两份  ii)签字代表身份证复印件两份
i) two copies of the business licen  ii)  two copies of the ID card of the signee
甲方(公章):                      乙方(公章):
Cachet of party A                  Cachet of party B
代表:                              代表:
Reprentatives signature:        Reprentatives signature:
开户银行及帐号:                    开户银行及帐号:
Bank account no:                    2018年高考作文Bank account no:
签字日期:                          签字日期:
Date:                              Date:

本文发布于:2023-07-17 04:20:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:乙方   甲方   赔偿   货物   协商
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