Unit 1
1.It is absurd that women should be paid unequally. [əb'sə:d] adj荒诞的,可笑的
2.A human’s eyesight is not as acute as that of an eagle.
3.The suspect alleged that he had not been in the neighborhood at the time of the crime. [ə'ledʒ] vt 宣称,断言,提出……作为理由
4.All the citizens must comply with the law. [kəm'plai] 照做,遵守
5.The presidential candidate consolidated his position by winning veral primary elections. [kən'sɔlideit] 巩固,联合,使固定
6.The crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined. / I declined their offer of help.
7.A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields. A loud noi diverted my attention. [dai'və:t]转移,使欢愉,使转向
8.The publication of his most recent works will certainly enhance his international reputation.
9.The ties that bind us together are so feeble that they can disappear at any moent.微弱的,无力的,虚弱的
10.In spite of the gloomy economic forecasts, manufacturing output has rin slightly.黑暗的,沮丧的,阴郁的
11.Fierce storm hampered the rescue team from finding more survivors. ['hæmpə]v妨碍,束缚,使困累
12.The parents indulge their children too much. [in'dʌldʒ]满足,使沉溺于,使高兴
13.We hope to inject new life into our business. vt注射,注入
14.The disagreement could riously jeopardize relations between the two countries. ['dʒepədaiz]vt危害,使受害
15.In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all el is luxury.adj/n
16.The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company’s financial records. [mə'nipjuleit] vt操纵,操作
17.Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very obscure.
18.I need to make some orientation before I start my new job. [,ɔ:rien'teiʃən] 方向,定位,适应
19.I’m perplexed屈原个人简介 for an answer for his proposal. / Don’t perplex the issue. 送戒指的含义[pə'pleks]使困惑,使为难
20.The doctor prescribed radiotherapy for him. 规定,开处方
21.Everyone will shrink from making such a sacrifice. / The dress shrank when I washed it.退避,在……面前畏缩
22.6月30This event was almost simultaneous with that one. [,siməl'teiniəs] 同时的,同时发生
23.The economic cris in that country have threatened the stability of the government.
24.The cretary is my immediate subordinate. / The minority is subordinate to the majority. [sə'bɔ:dinət] adj下级的,次级的 n下级,下属,从属物 附属物 v使成为下级,使列于次要位置
25.Wouldn’t it be wir to subscribe to a newspaper than to buy it daily? [səb'skraib]签署,赞成,捐助
26.Local government leaders are making every effort to tackle the problem of poverty.
27.The transition from childhood to adulthood. / The goods you ordered are in transition. n过渡,转变,转换
28.The army was vulnerable to attack due to food shortage. ['vʌlnərəbl] adj有弱点的,易 受伤害的,易受攻击的
29.We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood.
30.He ascribed his failure to bad luck. [ə'skraib]把……归因于
Unit 2
1.Is that an authentic painting from Picasso, or a modern copy?
[ɔ:'θentik] adj.可信的,真实的 [bri:d ] vt繁殖,饲养,养育n品种,种类,类型
2.Rats breed quickly. / He breeds cattle. / a new breed of sheep
3.The cond term commences in March. [kə'mens]v开始,着手
4.Are the subjects compulsory or optional in your school?
5.The u of nuclear power is the subject of widespread controversy.
6.She (was) descended from an engineer family. [di'nd]下降,下来,遗传,屈尊
7.His illness became a blessing in disgui小学生作文格式, when he married his nur. / disgui one’s intentions.
8.Mike just discovered that his passport had expired three months ago. / The patient expired this morning. [ik'spaiə]vi终止,期满,死亡,呼气vt呼出(空气)
9.They were explicit in their criticism. [ik'splisit]adj清楚的,明确的,直率的,详述的
10.Modern devices facilitate domestic work. [fə'siliteit] vt促进,帮助,使容易
11.The highlight of the evening is Mary’s soprano solo. v强调,突出n最精彩的部分,最重要的部分
12.维修卫生间漏水They were immerd in their scientific rearch. / The town was immerd in a festival atmosphere. [i'mə:s]vt沉浸,使陷入
13.Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature. [,inspə'reiʃən]n灵感,妙计
14.A detective story usually has an intricate plot. ['intrikət]复杂的,错综的,缠结的
15.Winter lingered. / The pain lingered on for weeks. ['liŋɡə]vt消磨,缓慢度过vi徘徊,苟延残喘
16.The king mingled with the people in the streets. / The two rivers mingle their waters when they join. ['miŋɡl]vt使相混,使混合vi交往混合
17.They have pledged that they will always remain faithful.
18.Some studies confirmed that this kind of eye dia was prevalent in tropical countries. ['prevələnt]adj流行的,普通的,广传的