II. For the following blanks, four choices are given .Choo the most appropriate one:
1. I_____to him for the error.
A. excud B. apologized C. pardoned D. forgave.
2. Since the subject was somewhat unpleasant, we it and talked about something el.
A. dismisd B. relead C. picked D. derived
3. A businessman will clutch送的成语 any chance if making a profit.
A. on B. for C. in D. at
4. In a low voice, she that someone was moving about upstairs.
A. shouted B. told C. spoke D. whispered
5. A. teacher knowledge to her pupils.
A. teaches B. lectures C. gives D. imparts
6.The chairman felt that it was his place to intervene the disagreement between two of his committee members.
A. in B. with C. of D. on
7. Some animals will modify their behaviour to to their environment.
A. suit B. conform C. reconcile D. adapt
8. The supply of silver in the mines had , causing great concern among the people of the town.
A. incread B. extended C. devalued D. diminished
9. You know some of the story; the rest can be pictured yourlves easily enough.
A. as B. to C. of D. in
10. He is always deeply by Hundel’s music.
A. effected B. affected C. impresd D. acted
11. Switch the light ,
A. form B. to C. off D. on
12. The one beautiful flowers in the va had .唯美是什么意思
A. withered B. wondered C. wavered D. wrinkled
13. The chairman’s opinion collided 学英语的游戏 that of the rest of the committee.
A. to B. for C. at D. with
14. Perhaps the customer has his monthly statement and not paid the bill.
A. omitted B. bewildered C. overlooked D. escaped
15. The teacher the boy to study harder.
A. counted B. adjoined C. counled D. advertid
16. No wonder the lamp didn’t come on, it’s not plugged .
A. on B. in C. at D. up
17. I was so in my book that I didn’t hear the doorbell ring.
A. concentrated B. absorbed C. engaged D. occupied
18. Some creatures, for example, lizards, can lost parts of their bodies, but we human beings can not.
A. produce B. develop C. reproduce D. cultivate
19. Only after a long hard struggle were we able to repel the enemy our shores.
A. on B. out of C. from D. away
20. The reprentative what he called a “new” proposal, which turned out to be exactly
缺少英文the old one, only slightly whitewashed.
A. come across B. come up with C. rasied D. ro
21. When I heard footsteps behind me I was ——that I would be attacked.
A. horrified B. terror-struck C. terrorized D. terrified
22. Take this medicine regularly; it will safeguard you a return of the dia.
A. from B. for C. against D. out of 人才济济什么意思
23. I let my children make their own decisions now that they are older; I wouldn’t to interfere.
A. presume B. resume C. assume D. consume
24. To the students life on campus, the university has established many recreational facilities.
A. verify B. classify C. enrich D. cherish幸福来敲门电影
25. the water before drinking it.
A. Clean B. Purify C. Leave D. Fire
26. He had tried everything out it made little .
A. effect B. difference C. outcome D. result
27. He his evil purpo under friendly words.
A. emphasized B. chewed C. excluded D. cloaked
28. He was wined and at every stage of his tour.
A. kicked B. fattened C. devoted D. dined
29. First, you have to drain the container all the old oil.
A. by B. from C. out D. of
30. Our party and government highly the creations and wisdom of intellectuals.
A. value B. estimate C. recognize D. comment
31. Thomas Edison his success as an inventor to 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
A. devoted B. instituted C. executed D. attributed
32. The boy’s behavior deviates the usual pattern.
A. against B. to C. from D. for
33. After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly the little rain that fell last night.