1. On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park , ________ parents ated together joking .
A. their B. who C. which D. that
2. When I finish the story, Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor, ______, deep in thought.
A. with his head bending B. in his head bent
C. his head bending D. his head bent
3. ______in physical shape, he dropped out of the University of Syracu.
A. As he was bad B. Bad as he was
C. Bad although he was D. Bad though he was
4. William told his wife ____.
A. to have his shoes shone B. to have his shoes shined
C. to have his shoes shining D. shine his shoes
5. Only in the dream world ____moments of desolation or terror that are wor than anything we have known under the sun.
A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there
6. If he hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _______道德经第一章感悟 here now.
A. wouldn’t be smiling B. won’t smile
C. couldn’t have smiled D. didn’t smile
7. When he came back he was not ______ we had known twenty years before.
A. John B. a John C. the John D. the Johns刷rom
8. He will remain here if ____.
A. needed B. need to be C. need be D. need is
9. He told me only part of the story ____.
A. so that was it B. so that was this
C. and that was so D. and that was that
10. The ____capacity of the stadium has been enlarged.
A. sitting B. at C. ated D. ating
11. I cannot read your writing. It is ____.
A. illegible B. legible C. eligible D. ineligible
12. During their first teacher training year, the students often visited local school for the
______ of lessons.
A. investigation B. obrvation
C. inspection D. obrvance古言小说推荐经典排行
13. The scientists realized it would be too ____to lift the ship in one piece becau it was
A. risky B. bold C. daring D. dangerous
14. For many people, overeating and overspending are as ____to Christmas as candles
and holly.
A. integral B. suitable C. inevitable D. compatible
15. Perhaps the customer has ____his monthly statement and not paid the bill.
A. omitted B. bewildered C. overlooked D. escaped
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9. That’s it意为“对了”等于That’s right,或意为“就这样,完了”等于That’s all
That’s that是一句加强语气的用语,表示决心、结束争论、讲完故事等时使用的用语,意为“就是这样;就是那么回事;再没什么可说的”。
10. Seating n. 座席排列,席位排列;v.为…领座; 为…提供座位;
Seated adj.就座的; 固定的; 有…座位的;
Seat n.席位,座位; 所在地;
Sitting adj.坐着的; 就座的;
11. illegible意为“(字迹)模糊的,难以辨认的,难读的”
Her handwriting is almost illegible.
For legible text we need less complex details.
Half the population was eligible to vote.
The ntence contains rerved or ineligible word.
12. obrvation n.观察; 观察力;
What obrvation can you make?
investigation n.(正式的)调查,研究; 侦查;
Her family is under investigation.
inspection n.检查; 检验; 视察; 检阅;
obrvance n.遵守,奉行; (宗教的,正式的)仪式;
13. risky“冒险的,有风险的”;bold“胆大的”; daring“勇敢的,敢冒险的,大胆的”;dangerous“危险的”。
bold 与daring:bold 指具有向困难或危险境况挑战的倾向;daring形容人胆大,敢于冒险(常指在危险情况下,能灵活机智地采取行动)。
risky与dangerous: risky含有较强的“主动去冒险”的意味,并强调因客观形势变化而造成的突然的危险;dangerous可指肯定的,迫在眉睫的危险,也可指遥远的,不一定发生的危险。
14. integral adj. 构成整体所必需的,缺一不可的
Both organizations are integral parts of the Pakistani Taliban.
inevitable adj.不可避免的; 必然发生的;
挪威王室Population growth was now inevitable.
suitable adj.合适的,适当的;
compatible adj. 和谐的,协调的; 可以并存的,能共处的;
She and her roommate were not compatible.
15. overlook vt.忽视,忽略;
Minor lifestyle changes are the easiest to overlook
omit vt.省略; 遗漏;
If you omit this step, you could be tting yourlf up to fail.
bewilder vt.使迷惑; 使为难;
Tho shifting attitudes bewilder me.土豆英文
escape vt.被忘掉,被忽视;
Her name escapes me.