英文縮寫 | 英文全名 | 中文字義 |
5C | One methodology of solving problem, 5C including: Characterize, Contain, Causal analysis, Corrective action, Closure | 5C 格式 |
5M | One methodology of clarifying root caus, 5M including: Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement | 5M分析(層別) |
8D | sign什么意思One methodology of solving problem, 8 disciplines including: Internal/external members, Describe the problem, Describe the cau, Containment plan, Permanent C/A plan, Verification of effectiveness, Prevent recurrence, Congratulate team | 8D 格式 |
AFIR | Annualized Field Incident Rate. (See FIR) | 年度市場不良率 |
A(P)QP | Advanced (Product) Quality Planning | 先期產品品質規劃 |
AQL | Acceptable Quality Level | 允收水準 |
BOM | Bill of Materials | 材料清單 |
BPI | Business Process Improvement | 企業流程改善 |
CA(R) | Corrective Action (Report) | 矯正措施報告 |
CIP | Continuous Improvement Process | 陕西羊肉泡馍 持續改善 |
CLCA | Clod-Loop Corrective Action | 封閉迴圈式改善措施 |
DOA | Dead on Arrival | 系統組裝所發現的不良品(未售至最終用戶) |
DOE | Design of Experiments | 實驗計畫法 |
DPPM | Defective Parts Per Million | 百萬單位不良率(品質計算單位) |
DVT | Design Verification Test | 設計驗證測試 |
ECO | Engineering Change Order (equal to ECN) | 工程變更指示 |
ECN经营分析 | Engineering Change Notice | 工程變更通知 |
ECR 豆豉 | Engineering Change Request | 工程變更要求 |
ESD | 每日电讯报Electrostatic Discharge | 靜電放射 |
F/A | Failure Analysis | 不良分析 |
FAI | First Article Inspection | 首件檢查 |
FAR | Final Acceptance Review(equal to FQC) | 最終檢驗 |
Failure Analysis Request | 零件不良分析需求(單) | |
FIFO | First In, First Out | 先進先出 |
FMEA | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis | 潛在失效模式及 效應分析 |
准备好了英文 FPY | First Pass Yield Rate | 直通率 |
GR&R | Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability | 再生性與再現性 |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 购买协议 | 電子電機工程師協會 |
IFIR | Initial Field Incident Rate | 初次市場不良率 |
JQE | Joint Quality Engineer | 客戶品質代表工程師 |
LRR | Line Reject Rate | 產線不良率 |
MSA | Measurement System Analysis | 量測系統分析 |
NPI | New Product Introduction | 新產品導入 |
OBA | Out of Box Audit | 最終開箱驗證 |
OBE | Out of Box Evaluate | 最終開箱測試 |
ODM | Original Development Manufacturer | 委外設計生產 |
OEM | 吉他初学者教程Original Equipment Manufacturer | 委外生產 |
ORT | Ongoing Reliability Testing | 在製品可靠度測試 |
PCN | Part Change Notification | 料件變更通知 |
Process Change Notification | 製程變更通知 | |
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