The Embassy of 国家名称:
The above mentioned applicant 姓名 is holding the Chine Regular Passport.含兔的成语
He has been a regular full time employee of our company since 入职月年. Our company has issued the social curity insurance for him.
He is applying for visa to 国家名称 as tourist from 开始日期to 结束日期.During his visit, his wife named XXXXPassport No.:XXXX and son named XXXXPassport No.:XXXX will accompany with him. And he will be responsible to ttle all the travel expens including airfare, accommodation and all other personal expens.
We understand that he will return to China on schedule. We will keep his position during his visit in Thailand.
Plea kindly afford him and his family any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in ca of need. If any questions, plea do not hesitate to contact us XXX-XXXXXXXX 电话号码.
忐忑不安的近义词是什么XXXX XXXX人力资源部总经理姓名
General Manager
Department of Human Resource