邀请人信息/Information of the inviting party | |||||
姓名/Name | 身份证或护照号码/ ID or Passport No. | ||||
个人住址/ Residential Address | 联系电话(手机)号码/ 杜甫之七言绝句Contact No. in China | ||||
被邀请人信息(超过1人,请附名单)/Information of the invitee(Plea fill out the attached List if the number of invitees is more than one. | |||||
姓名/Name | 性别/Sex | ||||
出生日期/DOB | 年/Y 月/M 日/D | 对联简笔画国籍之余是什么意思/Citizenship | |||
护照号码/ Passport No. | 在华停留地址/Address of stay in China | ||||
拟来华日期/ Arrival date to China | 年/Y 月/M 日/D | 拟离华日期/ Departure date from China | 年/Y 月/M 日/D | ||
在华停留时长/Duration of stay in China | 天/Days | 在华期间费用来源/Source of expens in China | |||
邀请人与被邀请人关系/Relationship between the inviting party and the invitee(s) | □(外)祖父母/grandparent/grandparent-in-law; □(岳)父母/parent or parent-in-law □三打白骨精读后感配偶/spou; □子女/子女配偶/son and daughter or their spou; □兄弟/brother □姐妹/sister; □(外)孙子(女)grand-son or -daughter; □其他/others: | ||||
来华目的/ Purpo of visit | □短期探亲/Temporary visit to relatives(Q2、S2);□家庭团聚或长期探亲/family reunion or long-term(+180 days) visit to relatives(Q1、旋律的英文>蚂蚁金服官网S1);□私人事务/Private visits(S2),请详细说明(可另纸)/Plea specify as follows( or in one parate page): | ||||
姓名 Name | 性别Sex | 出生日期DOB | 护照号码Passport No. | 国籍Citizenship | 与邀请人关系Relationship |
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