作者:By Frances A. Miller
For 16 autumns I had raked by hand the contributions of my own 12 oak trees plus an assortment of other deciduous beauties,2 and often,筠的读音 after a windy day,推波助澜什么意思 my neighbors’ leaves as well.
Although I can’t say I rejoiced to e the leaves begin to drift and tumble around my yard,3 I did enjoy the actual raking. Thumb armored with a heavy-duty bandage before I even took the rake down from its hook, blue tarp ready for loading, Welsh Corgi barking and bouncing enthusiastically around my knees, I would head out to engage the natural world in my annual ritual.4
苏州小吃 Raking leaves, like Christmas, has its own storehou of welcome memories就前原则, unleashed each fall by the simple act of taking rake in hand.5 Memories of flinging onelf into giant leaf piles, of the smell of burning leaves, of my California-raid children disco
vering autumn in the leaves piled high in my Virginia sister’s driveway and knowing instinctively what to do.6