专利名称:Overlay correction by reducing wafer
slipping after alignment
发明人:Peter Kochersperger
摘要:A method and apparatus for correcting overlay errors in a lithography system.During lithographic exposure, features being expod on the wafer need to overlay
existing features on the wafer. Overlay is a critical performance parameter of lithography
tools. The wafer is locally heated during exposure. Thermal expansion caus stress between the wafer and the wafer table, which will cau the wafer to slip if it exceeds the local frictional force. To increa the amount of expansion allowed before slipping occurs, the wafer chuck is uniformly expanded after the wafer has been loaded. This creates an initial stress between the wafer and the wafer table. As the wafer expands due to heating during exposure, the expansion first acts to relieve the initial stress before causing an opposite stress from thermal expansion. The wafer may be also be heated prior to attachment to the wafer chuck, creating the initial stress as the wafer cools.
申请人:Peter Kochersperger
地址:Easton CT US
代理机构:Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, P.L.L.C.韭菜的做法