1. He liked to wear a top hat as part of his costume.
2. She always wears a coat when she goes out in winter.
3. They had to wear hazmat suits while working in the laboratory.emba论文
熟悉点4. She had so many earrings on that she could barely wear her hat.喝酒说说
馄饨皮千层饼5. He wore a tuxedo to the formal event.
6. I always wear gloves when I'm working with chemicals.
7. She wears a pendant to remind her of her childhood.
8. He wore a white uniform while training to be a waiter.
醪糟蛋花汤9. We were asked to wear appropriate work attire when attending the meeting.滑膜炎偏方
10. She wore a mask to protect her lungs from the dust.