POWER EQUIPMENT 第!4卷第6期2020年11月Vol. 34, No. 6
Nov. 2020
i 环保技术\
陈 拓!李德波!曾庭华!周杰联!冯永新!廖宏楷!张谓添
摘 要:针对某电厂50 MW 循环流化床锅炉生物质掺烧开展了现场试验研究,研究了生物质掺烧质量分 数对锅炉效率及NO ’、SO $和粉尘排放质量浓度的影响规律。结果表明:机组负荷为60 MW 时,掺烧质量分数 为0 %、15%、30%、45%的工况下,锅炉效率分别为79. 27%、77. 43%、81. 49%、84. 02%;机组负荷为 50 MW 时,掺烧质量分数为0%、15%、30%、45%的工况下,锅炉效率分别为79. 80%、81. 59%、82. 82%、 84.33%。掺烧生物质后,可以有效减少NO ’的生成量和脱硫剂的使用量,并且粉尘排放也能达到环保要求。
中图分类号:TK229. 66 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-086X(2020)06-0404-05DOI : 10.19806/jki. fdsb. 2020.06.00 7
Experimental Study on Coal-Biomass Co-combustion of a CFB Boiler
Chen Tuo , Li Debo , Zeng Tinghua , Zhou Jielian , Feng Yongxin ,
Liao Hongkai, Zhang Weitian
(Guangdong Electric Power Rearch Institute Energy Technology Co., Ltd.,
Guangzhou 510080, China )
Abstract : Taking the 50 MW circulating fluidized bed (CFB ) boiler that burns coal and biomas s mixtures as an object of study , the effects of bioma ss blending ratio on the following parameters were investigated , such as the boiler efficiency, the NO X emission concentration and the SO2 emission concentration , etc. Results show that at the unit load of 60 MW , the boiler efficiency would be 79. 27% , 77.43% , 81.49% and 84.02% accordingly , when the mas s
fraction of bioma ss is 0% , 15% , 30% and 45% , respectively ; at the unit load of 50 MW , the boiler efficiency would be 79. 80% , 81. 59% , 82. 82% and 84. 33% accordingly , when the ma ss fraction of bioma ss is 0% , 15% , 30% and 45% , respectively. The application of coal-bioma ss co-combustion technology helps to reduce the NO# generation and desulfurizing agent consumption , when the dust emission could simultaneously meet the requirement of environmentalprotection.
Keywords : CFB boiler ; coa--biomass co-combustion ; boiler efficiency
向低碳转型、更大幅度降低CO 2排放的重要发展
28日批准全国84个燃煤电厂耦合生物质发电的 试点项目,包括300 MW 亚临界燃煤电厂至 1 000 MW 超超临界燃煤电厂,预示着我国燃煤登幽州台歌赏析
电厂将开始在较大范围内进行生物质耦合发电 改造工作&
国内一些研究者开展了有关煤与生物质掺烧 的研究&王华山等*〕利用综合热分析仪,对煤和 生物质掺烧的燃烧过程及特性进行了研究。王一 坤等⑵对生物质气化耦合发电提升燃煤机组灵活
游戏搞笑性进行了研究,以某330 MW 机组配合建设20
MW 生物质气化耦合发电机组为例,分析了生物 质气化耦合发电对燃煤机组锅炉效率、受热面安
全、催化剂性能和烟气脱硫系统的影响。张超 收稿日期:2019-11-26;修回日期:2020-03-03
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