pipe alignment(tting out): | 放线-即确定沿线路方向的管道实地安装的中心线位置,并划定管道施工界限的过程。 |
field hand over stake: | 现场交桩-设计部门将所设计的管道控制桩、测量成果表及水准点资料在现场移交给施工单位。 |
right-of-way | 路权,作业带-只有在得到土地所有者的书面授权下才能在该路段施工。 |
spread | The crew and equipment required to build a pipeline from an untouched right-of-way to the commissioning stage of the pipeline. |
clearing | 扫线-Members of the clearing crew transform the right-of-way into a suitable work area by clearing away land for the propod route is in an area with no vegetation or encompass an already cleared right-of-way,or corridor. |
grading | 平整-The purpo of grading is to provide a smooth and even work area and to facilitate the movement of equipment onto and along the right-of-way. High-or-low -ground areas may require cutting down or filling in to achieve a more uniform grade for the pipeline. |
string | 布管-把运到现场的管子,逐根地分布于管道沿线的组装场地上的过程叫鄱湖“布管” |
line up | 对口-按照规范要求,用专用器具将两端管子的管口对好 |
天蝎男和射手女 cutback | 焊接预留区域- On pipe that has been mill coated ,a cutback of 6 to 9 inches is usually left at the end of the joint so that the coating does not interfere with the welding process. |
firing line(Welding Gang) | 焊接组-一般指现场焊接流水机组In pipeline construction,the welding crew that takes over after the root pass and the hot pass have been made.The firing line is responsible for the filler pass and the cap bead,which complete the joint. |
cap bead | 盖帽焊-是管口焊接的最后一道工序 |
tie-in | 连头,碰死口-就是把焊接完的不能移动的管段连接起来梦见河流 |
hot tie-in | 动火连头-A weld made on a pipeline already in rvice. In the hot tie-in procedure, the gas from the line is purpoly ignited at the point where the welding is to be done.Igniting the gas eliminates the chance that a spark could cau an explosion of gas and air. golden tie-in是机组与机组之间或者承包商与承包商之间的管段连接。 |
cover depth | 埋深- The measurement from the top of a pipe to ground level along a right-of-way. |
egging(out of roundness) | 失圆-管线焊接完毕后,要进行回填,如果回填不按照施工规范,一次回填过多或者焊接操作不当,导致管道变形了、不圆了 |
backhoe loader | 反铲挖土机,两头忙- |
back-actor | 反铲挖土机 |
bell hole | 焊接操作坑A widened and sloped ction of the ditch where welders will work when doing a tie in. |
coating | 防腐层The paint,plastic or dope the bare steel of the pipe is covered with from the factory or that is applied on the“Coating”crew. An anti-corrosion material applied to the pipe,during construction. |
deadman tractor | 锚固拖拉机A Deadman tractor ud as an anchor for a pipe ction(such as on lowering-in)or when winching equipment on steep slopes |
high boy | 高板拖车A conventional truck trailer with deck approximately 5 foot off the ground. |
low boy | 低底盘拖车A low boy slung trailer ud to haul heavy equipment |
holiday | 漏点-指涂层上没有涂到的空白处,包括裂缝、空心部分、夹有杂质部分和针孔等缺陷处 |
holiday detector(also called jeep) | 电火花检漏仪-检查防腐层是否有缺陷An electrical device ud to locate a weak place,or holiday,in coatings on pipelines and equipment. |
nightcap | 临时封堵- Nightcaps made out of material,plastic,wood etc to fit over and clo off the end of the pipe to prevent entry of foreign material. |
tow cat | 拖管机械钱德明-cat是caterpillar的缩写Tractor ud to pull any equipment or vehicles stuck on the right of way. |
dead weight recorders | 压力天平 |
elbow | 弯管 |
pig | 清管器 |
pig trap | 清管器接收器The pipeline will be filled with water utilizing a 2 possibly 3-pig train with,typically,a 500 meter long slug of water between the 1st,2nd and 3rd pigs. |
pig train | 成串的清管器 |
ction purging | 气体吹扫清除管 |
pipeline pigging | 通球扫线 |
repair of coating defect | 补伤-指对防腐或保温层破损或漏涂处的修补作业. |
heat-shrinkable sleeve | 热收缩套 |
foreign matter | 异物 |
primer | 底漆 |
sand blasting | 喷砂-利用高速沙流的冲击作用清理和粗化金属表面的过程。 |
internal(line-up)clamp | 内对口器-置于管子衔接处的内部并使管口保持固定位置和间隙的一种定位工具。 |
open cut | 大开挖 |
restoration | 地貌恢复-The right-of-way will be restored to its original condition or better. |
pipe ction lowering in | 下钩 |
知错就改的成语 journeyman | 临时工 |
laying in one ditch | 同沟敷设 |
Pipeline laying in embankment | 土堤敷设法-在管子上堆土,形成土堤,埋设管道的一种方法 |
primary backfill | 一次回填 |
condary backfill | 二次回填 |
saddle weight | 压重块-按一定间距放置在水下管道上的用铸铁或混凝土制成的马鞍形或其他形状的压块 |
repair of coating defect | 防腐或保温层损坏或漏涂处的修补 |
catholic protection | 阴极保护 |
hydrostatic testing | 水压试验The most common final quality control check of the structural soundness of a pipeline. In this test, the line is filled with water and then pressured to a designated point. This pressure is maintained for a specific period of time, and any ruptures or leaks revealed by the test are repaired. The test is repeated until no problems are noted |
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