Title: Stone missing, police investigate in S 昆狮子女白羊男>公主童话
Introduction: A large stone known as "S 昆石" was reported missing from a construction site in S 昆 earlier this week,引发当地居民的广泛关注。据悉,该石头重量约 500 公斤,当时正在被搬运至附近的道路上。Local police have since intervened and are now investigating the disappearance of the stone.
Police sources said that they had received veral reports regarding the missing stone, but were yet to find any clues that could lead to its recovery. They added that they were treating the ca as a rious matter and were working cloly with the construction company to gather evidence and track down the missing stone.
Local media reports said that the stone had been a significant feature of the construction site for veral months, and had been ud to support a retaining wall. Its sudden disappea
rance had sparked a wave of concern among residents, with many questioning the safety of the nearby road and buildings.
Police sources also confirmed that they were aware of reports that the stone may have been stolen for its metal content, but said that they were yet to receive any official complaint regarding such a theft. They added that they were investigating all possible explanations for the disappearance of the stone, including accidental loss or theft.
Overall, the disappearance of the S 昆石 has sparked a wave of concern among locals, who fear for the safety of the nearby construction site and the community as a whole. Police are appealing to anyone with information about the missing stone to come forward and assist with the investigation.
Title: Stone missing, police investigating in Singapore
屏幕保护怎么设置 Introduction: A famous tourist attraction in Singapore, the Stone of Singapore, has gon
e missing. The 7.7-ton stele, which dates back to the 16th century, was removed from its original location on Aug. 15 and has yet to be found. Police have since launched an investigation into the disappearance, saying that they are treating the ca as a theft.
The Stone of Singapore, which is made of limestone and measures 2.5 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width, was installed in 1569 and is considered a historical artifact and a symbol of Singapore"s heritage. It was removed for repairs and maintenance in 2018 and was expected to be reinstalled in early 2022.
富贵竹水养 The theft has caud concern among locals and tourists alike, as the Stone of Singapore is one of the most popular attractions in the city-state and is visited by millions of people each year. Authorities have also warned that anyone found responsible for the theft of the Stone could face rious charges.
Police are appealing to the public for any information on the missing Stone, noting that they are considering all possible leads in their investigation. The ca has also been referred to the procutor"s office for further consideration.。