Every year veral languages die out. Some people think that this is not important becau life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.
中学教案网 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
有文化的句子 You should write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer 1: 不加思索的意思
It is a fact that there are a lot of languages in this world, but every year veral of the languages just disappear. A group of people believe that the extinction of some languages is not a crucial problem since communication will be more effective with fewer languages. Although some people think that the extinction of some languages is not a r
勉励自己的诗句ious problem, I do believe that the diversity of the world languages has a lot of benefits for the individual and the society as well.
To begin with, it is undeniable that out of hundreds of languages that have existed, few languages extinct every year. It is believed that the disappearance was due to the globalisation and the westernisation of the European and American, which have forced people to communicate in International languages such as English, German or French. Other people have an opinion that the extinction of the languages is not a rious threat to the world since most of them that die out are minority languages which are spoken by veral people. Therefore they would not make a significant impact on the world. Besides that, the usage of veral international languages has made business interaction or diplomatic negotiation among nations or continents become easier.
友谊的名句 On the other hand, the uncountable number of languages that have existed shows the uniqueness of the world cultures. It is necessary to maintain the diversity of the world languages since each of the languages reprents the identity of a community or a tribe.
阿米巴管理Besides that, although some of the languages might only be spoken by veral people, it has an important function. Many of the traditional myths are written or documented in the minority languages, and if they die out, then the culture would also be lost.