China Computer & Communication 软件开发与应用基于Spring Cloud 微服务架构的校园外卖应用开发
杨栋博 严张凌打鼾是什么原因
(四川大学锦城学院,四川 成都 611731)
摘 要:随着互联网的飞速发展和餐饮服务领域的不断创新,外卖行业也在与时俱进。近年来,传统的学校食堂面临着严峻的挑战:由于学校扩招,学生越来越多;很多学校将食堂外包给盈利性餐饮公司,在食堂就餐价格就会比较高;学生们因没有课程待在寝室,不愿意步行前往就餐,学生会遇上时间不够、不愿意出门、不愿意排队等候等问题。基于此,笔者设计乐基于Spring Cloud 微服务架构的校园外卖应用,能够满足学生的不同需求。
中图分类号:TP393.09 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9767(2020)13-056-03
Development of Campus Takeout Application Bad on Spring Cloud Microrvice Architecture
Yang Dongbo, Yan Zhangling
(Jincheng College of Sichuan University, Chengdu Sichuan 611731, China)Abstract: With the rapid development of the Internet and continuous innovation in the field of catering rvices, the takeout industry is also keeping pace with the times. In recent years, the traditional school canteen is facing vere challenges: due to the expansion of school enrollment, more and more students; many schools outsource the canteen to profit-making catering companies, so the price of dining in the canteen will be relatively high; students are not willing to walk to eat becau there is no cour to stay in the dormitory, and students will encounter problems such as insufficient time, unwilling to go out, unwilling to wait in line and so on. Bad on this, the author designs a campus takeaway application bad on spring cloud microrvice architecture, which can meet the different needs of students.Key words: microrvices; campus takeaway; APP development
0 引言根据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC )发布的第45次传统门饰
3月,我国网上外卖用户规模达到3.98亿人,占网民整体的44.0%;手机网上外卖用户规模达3.97亿人,占手机网民的44.2%。这相当于每2个网民中就有1个通过网络点外卖。基于Spring Cloud 微服务
jire架构的校园外卖,将校园内外的餐饮商铺有机整合起来,同时也将校园食堂添加进来,通过外卖的形式打破原有的食堂就餐体系。国家食药监管总局也在2017年发布的《网络餐饮服务食品安全监督管理办法》中规定了“入网餐饮服务提供者有实体门店,不得委托加工制作”[2]。传统的校园食堂餐饮的实体模式也同样适用。基于Spring Cloud 微服务架构的校园外卖应用针对校园这个独特的对象来部署和发展,以满足校园外卖行业的独特需求。
1 问题分析1.1 应用需求分析
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