A:Pan American World Airways.
B:Hello. I'd like to reconfirm my flight.
秋后的蚂蚱 A:May I have your flight number,plea?
电脑芯片 B:My flight number is 232 leaving JFK Airport at 10∶00 in the morning on July 10.
A:Yes,that's our regular flight to Shanghai. What's your name,plea?
B:I'm Linda Hunt. My first initial is“L”。
A:Just a cond…Oh,yes,here we are. You're flying economy class. It that correct?
B: That's right.
A:Okay,you're all t,Ms Hunt. Enjoy your flight.
B: Thanks.
Agent: Hello,Sir! May I help you?
Bill:I'd like to rerve a flight to Tokyo for the first of October.草书图片
Agent:Just a moment,plea.
Bill:OK. I don't mind.
秋天的菠菜 Agent:AA happens to get a Boeing 757 leaving at 3∶40 onOctober1. Is it all right with you?
Bill:Pretty good.
Agent:How do you want fly coach or first class?教育家英语
Bill:Is there any difference in price?医院收费员
Agent:Flying first class is more expensive.
Bill:I'm not rich like Wall Streeters. I fly coach.
Agent:We have veral flights from New York to Los Angeles on October1. Which one will you take?
Bill:Any one will do. How much is the fare?
Agent:$ 132.
Bill:OK. Here you are. By the way,what time does the flight get into L. A. ?
Agent:It'll leave New York at 19∶35 and arrive in L. A. at23∶20. Any other questions?
Bill:When do I have to check in?
Agent:You have to be there forty-five or an hour before the departure. Your ticket is ready.
Bill:Do I have to confirm my plane rervation?
最小的鲸鱼 Agent:Sure. You do have to. Remember the flight number is AA 304 at gate 8,Kennedy International Airport.
Bill:Thank you for your nice rvice,sir.
Agent:Thank you for flying with us. Hope you have a nice trip.
Bill:Have a nice day!
Agent:One more thing:Check-in time is an hour or so be-fore take-off.
A:It's interesting that as a financial center London looks so different from New York.
B:Indeed it does. By the way,what do you think has impresd you most in London?
A:I don't think I can say for sure. There are so many things that have left a deep impression on me. Yes,there is one thing worth mentioning at least. Although the buildings here em old-fashioned,they have a peculiar flavor of their own.
B:Look at the nameplate on the wall of the corner building. We're getting near to Trafalgar Square now.
A:It's interesting where the British people place the road signs,but what's Trafalgar Square?
B:It's a busy road junction with Nelson's statue.
A:Oh,yes,I know something about British History. He's the admiral that defeated Napoleon.
B:You're right. There may not be much to e on the square itlf,but it's easy to get from there to many interesting places in London.
A:Can you mention a few so that we can decide where to go this morning?
B:Sure,it's not far from here to the Thames. If you like,we can take a walk on the embankment.
A:What if we go to e Buckingham Palace first?
B:That's not far away either. Indeed you've got a very good idea. We can walk down the Mall which is wide and clean with quite a number of beautiful statues. It's so pleas ant to have a walk there.
A:Then let's walk down the Mall.
B:You'll e on one side of the Mall a beautiful park and ifwe have enough time,we may also visit the Hous of Parliament today.