+2WD | Second Working Day of the Month |
A&I | Adaptation and Improvement |
A&LA | Asia and Latin America |
A/D | Analog to Digital |
AA | Administrative Assistant |
AAA | Amino Acetic Acid |
AAJ | Authorized Abnce from Job |
AB | Alkyl Benzene |
ABC | Associated Bearings Corporation |
ABC | Automatic Batch Crutcher |
ABC | Activity Bad Costing |
ABM | Automated Buffer Management |
ABS | Abnteeism |
ABS | Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate |
ACE | Automated Controls Engineer |
ACH | Aluminum Chlorhydrate |
ACL | Amine Chain Length |
ACN | Account Receivable Number |
AD | Associate Director |
ADA | Americans Disabilities Act |
ADB | Authorization Data Ba |
ADMA | Alkyl Dimethylamine 雪圈 |
ADW | Automatic Dishwasher Detergent |
AE | Authorization for Expenditure |
AE(x) | Alkyl Ethoxylate; (x) = number of ethylene oxide groups |
AE(x)S | Alkyl Ethlxy Sulfate; (x) = number of ethylene oxide groups |
AE3 | Alkyl Ethoxylate (Ether) |
AGS | Alkyl Glycerol Sulfonate |
ALN | Advance Load Notification |
ALS | Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate |
AO | Accounting Office |
AO | Amine Oxide |
APM | Administrative Procedures Manual |
APR | Appropriation Request Information |
表格计算公式AQS | Attribute Quality System |
AQSLDL | Attribute Quality System for Light Duty Liquids |
AQSPUD | Attribute Quality System for Soap |
AS | Alkyl Sulfate (Sulfactant intermediate) |
ASA | Aspirin Active |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASR | Appropriation Status Report |
ASRS | Automated Storage and Retrieval System |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
AT | After Tax |
ATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms |
ATG | Ammonium Thioglycolate |
AV | Acid Value |
AXS | Ammonium Xylene Sulfonate |
B&S | Building & Services |
BAVA | Balancing and Vibration Analysis |
HC/H&CP | Beauty Care/Health & Personal Care |
BCA&U | Brand Change Awareness and Usage |
word怎么加页BCMO | Beauty Care Manufacturing Office |
BD | Basic Detergent |
BMWT | Black Managers Work Team |
BO | Blanket Order |
BO | Break Out |
小乌龟富兰克林BOD | Biochemical Oxygen Demand |
BOS | Behavior Obrvation System |
BPU | Board of Public Utilities (power company) |
BRW | Business Report Writer |
BS | Building and Services |
BS&HCP | Bar Soap and Houhold Cleaning Products |
BSA | Brand Support Authorization |
BSS | Bismuth SubSalicylate |
BT | Benzetriazol |
BT | Before Tax | 直言命题
BTT 通便的中药 | Below Twice Tolerance |
BWD | Backwashed |
BWMI | Black Women Managers Initiative |
C&F | Cost and Feasibility request |
CO | Carbonyl |
C/O | ChangeOver |
CAA | Clean Air Act |
CAAA | Clean Air Act Amendment |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
CaPP | Calcium Pyrophosphate |
CBA | Current Best Approach |
CBT | Computer Bad Training |
CC | Cost Control |
CCRC | Corporate Compliance Review Committee |
CDA | Confidential Disclosure Agreement |
CDC | Central Data Center |
CDEA | Coconut Diethanolanide |
CDI | Construction Design, Inc. |
CDS | Career Development System |
CEMM | Current Expen Material Management |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CHW | Chilled Water |
CIP | CleanInPlace |
CLMS | Continuous Liquids Making System |
CLP | Continuous Liquids Processing |
CM | Contract Manufacturer |
CMA | See CNEA |
CMC | Carboxyl Methyl Cellulo |
CMO | Coffee Manufacturing Office |
CNAS | Coconut Alkyl Sulfate |
CNEA | Coconut Monoethanolamide |
COD | Chemical Oxygen Demand |
COGS | Cost of Goods Sold |
COPS | Cost of Products Sold |
CP | Cloud Point |
CP | Contract Packer/Packing (also ud for Cincinnati Plant) |
CPA | Consumer Protection Agency |
CPC | Continental Plastic Corporation |
CPM | Critical Path Method |
CPP | Chemical Processing Plant |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
CPS | Critical Path Schedule |
CPSC | Consumer Product Safety Commission |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CPU | Customer PickUp |
CQV | Commissioning Qualification and Verification |
CQV | Confirmation Qualification and Verification |
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