红外图谱分析方法大全(Atlas of infrared spectrometry)Resolution of infrared spectrogram
Analysis of infrared spectra
(1) firstly, according to the spectra, the type of compound carbon framework is deduced, and the unsaturation is calculated according to the molecular formula.
Formula: non saturation = F+1+ (T-O) /2
Among them:
F: valence atomic number 4 valence (C atoms);
T: valence atomic number 3 valence (N atoms);
O: the number of atoms of 1 valence valence (H atoms).
F, T, and O are the initials of English 4,3 1, so you won't forget it
For example, for example, benzene (C6H6), unsaturation = 6+1+ (0-6), /2 = 4, 3 double bonds, plus a ring, exactly 4
Degree of unsaturation.
(2) analyzing the 3300~2800cm^-1 region
Regional region
Regional C-H extension
Stretching vibration absorption
Shrinkage vibration absorption absorption vibration absorption顾氏
Contraction vibration absorption,
In order to.
In order to
Take 3000 cm^-1 as the boundary
For the world,无法触碰电影
Higher than
Higher than
Higher than 3000cm^-1
Unsaturated carbon
Unsaturated carbon is unsaturated carbon
Stretching vibration absorption of unsaturated carbon C-H
Telescopic vibration, absorption, expansion, vibration absorption
Stretching vibration absorption,
There may be ene
It is possible that ene is possible
It could be ene,
And alkynes
Alkyne alkyne
Aromatic compounds
Aromatic compounds
Aromatic compounds?
Do you
And below
Below but below
Below 3000cm^-1施工图预算编制
General general
Saturation is saturation
Saturable vibration absorption for saturated C-H
Telescopic vibration, absorption, expansion, vibration absorption
Stretching vibration absorption.
(3) if it is slightly higher than
At a slightly higher than, if slightly above
If absorbed at slightly higher than 3000cm^-1
琼瑶Absorption and absorption
It should be
Should be in, should be in
It should be in the 2250~1450cm^-1 frequency band Frequency region
登太白峰Frequency domain analysis of unsaturated carbon carbon bonds
Stretching vibration absorption characteristic peaks, among which: