Software Suite ALOHA
® Example Scenarios August 2013 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Office of Respon and Restoration
Emergency Respon Division
Seattle, Washington •U N I T E D S T A T
E S •
I O N A G E N C Y N T A L P R O T E C T U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Emergency Management Washington, D.C.
This document contains three step-by-step fictional ALOHA example scenarios. You can complete the first two scenarios using only ALOHA. To complete the third scenario, you’ll also need the latest MARPLOT mapping application.
If you have questions about ALOHA, you can email the ALOHA Specialist at orr.v.
ALOHA Examples
Example 1: A Tank Source (Puddle and Pool Fire) (3)
Part 1: Modeling a Toxic Vapor Cloud (3)
Part 2: Modeling a Pool Fire (15)
Example 2: A Tank Source (Multiple Scenarios) (20)
Part 1: Modeling a BLEVE (20)
Part 2: Modeling a Flash Fire or Vapor Cloud Explosion (27)
Part 3: Modeling a Jet Fire (37)
Example 3: A Direct Source and a MARPLOT Map (40)
Exampl e 1: A Tank Source (Puddl e and Pool Fire)
In a small industrial park outside Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a 500-gallon, 4-foot-diameter, vertical tank contains liquid benzene. On July 20, 2013, at 10: local time, a curity guard discovers that liquid is leaking out of the tank through a 6-inch circular hole located 10 inches above the bottom of the tank. He also es that the liquid is flowing onto a paved area in the industrial park. The guard thinks that the tank has just been filled that evening.
The temperature on scene is 80°F, with the wind from the southwest at 7 miles per hour (as measured at a height of 10 meters by a fixed meteorological tower at the site). The sky is more than half covered by clouds and the humidity is about 75 percent. A thunderstorm is approaching from the southwest. There is no low-level inversion. There are very few buildings in the industrial park and a large grassy field is located to the northeast of the industrial park.
The Local Emergency Planning Committee has requested that on-scene responders u ERPG-2 concentrations to define the toxic endpoints in their analysis of benzene hazards.
In this example scenario, you’ll determine:
1.Distance to the ERPG-2 level if the puddle evaporates and forms a toxic vapor cloud.
2.Thermal radiation threat if a lightning strike ignites the puddle and forms a pool fire. Exampl e 1, Part 1: Mod eling a Toxic Vapor Cl oud Choosing a Location and a Chemical
1.Start ALOHA.
2.Read the list of ALOHA’s limitations (click for more details), then click OK.
眺望的近义词3.Select Location from the SiteData menu. A Location Information dialog box appears with a list
of the names of cities included in ALOHA’s location library.
4.The industrial park is located outside Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Type the characters ba to quickly
move to the ction of the list containing names beginning with “ba.” Scroll down a little farther until you e BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA. Click on this name to highlight it, then click
5.Select Date & Time from the SiteData menu. A Date and Time Options dialog box appears.
6.The relea occurs at 10: on July 20, 2013. Select the Set a constant time option. Enter
the month, day, year, hour, and minute for this scenario. ALOHA requires you to convert the time of day into 24-hour time (click Help to learn how to convert time values). Click OK.
7.To choo the chemical that is being relead—benzene—lect Chemical from the SetUp
menu. A Chemical Information dialog box appears with a list of the chemicals in ALOHA’s chemical library.
8.Select Pure Chemicals at the top of the window (this should be the default). Find BENZENE in
the list (type the character b to locate benzene more rapidly in the list), click on this name, then click
Entering Weather Information and Ground Roughness
Now that you’ve lected the location, time, and chemical, you must provide information about weather conditions and ground roughness.
1.In the SetUp menu, point to Atmospheric, then lect Ur Input. The first Atmospheric
Options dialog box appears.
2.The wind is travelling from the southwest at a speed of 7 miles per hour. Type 7 in the wind
speed box, then lect mph. Type SW in the wind direction box.
3.The wind conditions are measured at a height of 10 meters. Select the tower icon in the
Measurement Height ction. Notice that ALOHA has filled in a value of 10 meters.
4.There are very few buildings in the industrial park and a large grassy field is located to the
northeast (the area where the wind would blow the toxic vapor cloud). Select the Open Country ground roughness option.象棋棋盘怎么画
5.The sky is more than half covered by clouds. Under Select Cloud Cover, choo the cond
option from the left (the option between the complete cover and partly cloudy options). Notice that ALOHA has filled in a value of 7. Click OK. The cond Atmospheric Options dialog box appears.竹叶汤