1.GeoKey directory前4个数值为头信息;
3.Header={KeyDirectoryVersion, KeyRevision, MinorRevision,
4.KeyEntry = { KeyID, TIFFTagLocation, Count, Value_Offt } 其中,TIFFTagLocation表⽰哪个tag存放值,如果值为0则表⽰值为SHORT类型且包含在Value_Offt元素中;
此外还有GeoTagDoubleParams双精度型,该域ID号为34736,保存不定个数的double型GeoKeys,FLOAT要转化成double型才能存在该种Tag 中;
GeoKeyDirectoryTag=( 1, 1, 2, 6,
1024, 0, 1, 2,
1026, 34737,12, 0,
2048, 0, 1, 32767,
2049, 34737,14, 12,
2050, 0, 1, 6,
2051, 34736, 1, 0 )
GeoAsciiParamsTag(34737)=("Custom File|My Geographic|")
第⼀⾏表明这是⼀个版本号为1的GeoTIFF GeoKey⽬录,键的版本为Rev.
下⼀⾏定义第⼀个键(ID=1024 = GTModelTypeGeoKey),值为2(Geographic),
下⼀⾏键1026(the GTCitationGeoKey),列在GeoAsciiParamsTag(34737)数组
中开始于偏移0,数到第12个字节,所以其值为"Custom File"(”|”被转换
再下⾯⼀⾏,键2051(GeogLinearUnitSizeGeoKey) 位于GeoDoubleParamsTag (34736), 偏移为0所以值为1.5
key2049的值为(GeogCitationGeoKey) is "My Geographic"。
10.怀疑在TIFF中⽤SamplesPerPixel, PlanarConfiguration, ExtraSamples来表⽰
Projected_CS = Geographic_CS + Projection
Geographic_CS = Angular_Unit + Geodetic_Datum + Prime_Meridian
Projection = Linear Unit + Coord_Transf_Method + CT_Parameters Coord_Transf_Method = { TransverMercator | LambertCC | ...} CT_Parameters = {OriginLatitude + StandardParallel+...}
14.A geographic coordinate system has two axes, latitude and longitude, which are
only unambiguous when both of the related prime meridian and geodetic datum are given, and in turn the geodetic datum definition includes the definition of an
R ------------ OR --------------> M
(I,J,K) ModelTransformationTag (X,Y,Z)
16.ModelPixelScaleTag(在图像发⽣旋转和剪切时不能使⽤该Tag)和TiePoint:通过这两个来表⽰图像空间和模型空间之间的关系17.ModelTransformationTag = (a,b,c,,n,o,p):如果ModelTie
Here is a 4-step guide to producing a t of Baline GeoTIFF tags for defining coordinate transformation information of a raster datat.
Step 1: Establish the Raster Space coordinate system ud:
RasterPixelIsArea or RasterPixelIsPoint.
Step 2: Establish/define the model space Type in which the image is to be georeferenced. Usually this will be a Projected Coordinate system (PCS). If you are geocoding this data t, then the model space is defined to be the corresponding geographic, geocentric or Projected coordinate system (skip to the "Cookbook" ction 2.7.3 first to do determine this).
Step 3: Identify the nature of the transformations needed to tie the raster data down to the model space coordinate system:
Ca 1: The model-location of a raster point (x,y) is known, but not the scale or orientations:U the ModelTiepointTag to define the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of the known raster point.
Ca 2: The location of three non-collinear raster points are known exactly, but the linearity of the transformation is not known. U the ModelTiepointTag to define the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of all three known raster points. Do not compute or define the ModelPixelScale or ModelTransformation tag.
Ca 3: The position and scale of the data is known exactly, and no rotation or shearing is needed to fit into the model space. U the ModelTiepointTag to define the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of the known raster point, and the ModelPixelScaleTag to
specify the scale.
Ca 4: The raster data requires rotation and/or lateral shearing to fit into the defined model space: U the ModelTransformation matrix to define the transformation.
Ca 5: The raster data cannot be fit into the model space with a simple affine transformation (rubber-sheeting required). U only the ModelTiepoint tag, and specify as many tiepoints as your application requires. Note, however, that this is not a Baline GeoTIFF implementation, and should
not be ud for interchange; it is recommended that the image be geometrically rectified first, and put into a standard projected coordinate system.
Step 4: Install the defined tag values in the TIFF file and clo it.
19.Cookbook for Geocoding Data
Step 1: Determine the Coordinate system type of the raster data, bad on the nature of the data: pixels derived from scanners or other optical devices reprent areas, and most commonly will u the RasterPixelIsArea coordinate system. Pixel data such as digital elevation models reprent points, and will probably u RasterPixelIsPoint coordinates. Store in: GTRasterTypeGeoKey//保存栅格图像的信息
Step 2: Determine which class of model space coordinates are most natural for this datat:Geographic, Geocentric, or Projected Coordinate System. Usually this will be PCS.
Store in: GTModelTypeGeoKey//保存模型空间坐标系类型的信息
Step 3: This step depends on the GTModelType:
ca PCS: the PCS projection system. Most of the
PCS's ud in standard State Plane and national grid systems
are defined, so check this list first; the EPSG index in
ction 6.4 may be uful for this purpo.
Store in: ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey, ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey
If coded, it will not be necessary to specify the Projection
datum, etc for this ca, since all of tho parameters
are determined by the ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey code. Skip to
step 4 from here.
If none of the coded PCS's match your system, then this is a
ur-defined PCS. U the Projection code list to check for
安居乐业什么意思standard projection systems.
公主的男人Store in: ProjectionGeoKey and skip to Geographic CS ca.
If none of the Projection codes match your system, then this
is a ur-defined projection. U the ProjCoordTransGeoKey to
specify the coordinate transformation method (e.g. Transver
Mercator), and all of the associated parameters of that method.
Also define the linear units ud in the planar coordinate
Store in: ProjCoordTransGeoKey, ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey
Now continue on to define the Geographic CS, below.
ca GEOGRAPHIC: Check the list of standard GCS's and u the
corresponding code. To u a code both the Datum, Prime
Meridian, and angular units must match tho of the code.
Store in: GeographicTypeGeoKey and skip to Step 4.
If none of the coded GCS's match exactly, then this is a
ur-defined GCS. Check the list of standard datums,
Prime Meridians, and angular units to define your system.
Store in: GeogGeodeticDatumGeoKey, GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey, GeogPrimeMeridianGeoKey and skip to Step 4.
If none of the datums match your system, you have a
ur-defined datum, which is an odd system, indeed. U
the GeogEllipsoidGeoKey to lect the appropriate ellipsoid
or u the GeogSemiMajorAxisGeoKey, GeogInvFlatteningGeoKey to
define, and give a reference using the GeogCitationGeoKey.
Store in: GeogEllipsoidGeoKey, etc. and go to Step 4.
Step 4: Install the GeoKeys/codes into the GeoKeyDirectoryTag, and the
DOUBLE and ASCII key values into the corresponding value-tags.救的英文
Step 5: Having completely defined the Raster & Model coordinate system,
go to Cookbook ction 2.6.2 and u the Georeferencing Tags
to tie the raster image down onto the Model space.
20. Common Examples
UTM Projected Aerial Photo
We have an aerial photo which has been orthorectified and resampled to a UTM grid, zone 60, using WGS84 datum; the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the image is are given in easting/northing, as 350807.4m, 5316081.3m. The scanned map pixel scale is 100 meters/pixels (the actual dpi scanning ratio is irrelevant).
ModelTiepointTag = (0, 0, 0, 350807.4, 5316081.3, 0.0)
ModelPixelScaleTag = (100.0, 100.0, 0.0)
GTModelTypeGeoKey = 1 (ModelTypeProjected)
GTRasterTypeGeoKey = 1 (RasterPixelIsArea)
ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey = 32660 (PCS_WGS84_UTM_zone_60N)
PCSCitationGeoKey = "UTM Zone 60 N with WGS84"
1) We did not need to specify the GCS lat-long, since the
PCS_WGS84_UTM_zone_60N codes implies particular
GCS and units already (WGS_84 and meters). The citation
was added just for documentation.
2) The "GeoKeyDirectoryTag" is expresd using the "GeoKey"
structure defined above. At the TIFF level the tags look like
GeoKeyDirectoryTag=( 1, 0, 2, 4,
1024, 0, 1, 1,
1025, 0, 1, 1,
3072, 0, 1, 32660,
3073, 34737, 25, 0 )
GeoAsciiParamsTag(34737)=("UTM Zone 60 N with WGS84|")
For the rest of the examples we will only show the GeoKey-level
dump, with the understanding that the actual TIFF-level tag
reprentation can be determined from the documentation.
Standard State Plane
We have a USGS State Plane Map of Texas, Central Zone, using NAD83, correctly oriented. The map resolution is 1000 meters/pixel, at origin. There is a grid interction line in the image at pixel location (50,100), and corresponds to the projected coordinate system easting/northing of (949465.0, 3070309.1).
ModelTiepointTag = ( 50, 100, 0, 949465.0, 3070309.1, 0)
ModelPixelScaleTag = (1000, 1000, 0)
GTModelTypeGeoKey = 1 (ModelTypeProjected)
GTRasterTypeGeoKey = 1 (RasterPixelIsArea)
ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey = 32139 (PCS_NAD83_Texas_Central)
Notice that in this ca, since the PCS is a standard code, we
do not need to define the GCS, datum, etc, since tho are implied
by the PCS code. Also, since this is NAD83, meters are ud rather
than US Survey feet (as in NAD 27).
Lambert Conformal Conic Aeronautical Chart
We have a 500 x 500 scanned aeronautical chart of Seattle, WA, using Lambert Conformal Conic projection, correctly oriented. The central meridian is at 120 degrees west. The map resolution is 1000 meters/pixel, at origin, and us NAD27 datum. The standard parallels of the projection are at 41d20m N and 48d40m N. The latitude of the origin is at 45 degrees North, and occurs in the image at the raster
coordinates (80,100). The origin is given a fal easting and northing of 200000m, 1500000m.
ModelTiepointTag = ( 80, 100, 0, 200000, 1500000, 0)