1. 综合词汇
Coal Mine Resources Development and Utilization Plan 煤炭资源开发利用方案
Description 说明书
Revid 修改地
China Coal Handan Design Engineering Co., Ltd 中煤邯郸设计工程有限责任公司
addendum 附加物,附录
Engineering No. 工程编号
Construction Size 建设规模
Inner Mongolia 内蒙古
the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区
Subordinative Relationship of the Mine 隶属关系
subordinative [səbɔ:dinətiv] adj. 从属的,表示从属关系的
drilling and blasting 炮掘
mining method 采煤方法
coal am 煤层
coal thickness(m) 煤厚
strike length(m) 走向长度
incline width(m) 倾向宽度
mining height(m) 开采高度(采高)
specific gravity(t/m3) 容重
daily cycle 日循环数
drivage per cycle(m) 日循环进度(指掘进)
output per cycle(t) 循环产量
daily output(t) 日产量
coal recovered(10kt) 煤炭回收量(万吨)
remarks 备注
drivage n. 掘进
driving place, developing face 掘进工作面
stoping n.(stope的ing形式) 回采
development n. 开拓
mining n. 开采
total planned drivage(m)计划掘进总长度
mining team No.1 综采一队铅笔画头像
developing team No.2 掘进二队
Subtotal 小计
Total 合计
Grandtotal 总计
Working face ID 工作面编号
detail list, breakdown 明细表
Contents 目录
Chapter 章
Section 节
General situations 概况
Overview 概述
Traffic and location 交通位置
Natural geography 自然地理
Enterpri type 企业性质
Preparation basis 编制依据
Status quo and forecast of mineral demand 矿产品的需求现状及预测
Coal price analysis 煤炭产品价格分析
General situations of mineral resources 矿产资源概况
Minefield structure and geological feature 井田构造及地质特征
Mining conditions and Hydrogeology conditions 开采技术条件及水文地质条件
Mineral resources rerves 矿产资源储量
Comments on Geological survey Report 对地质勘探报告的评述
Construction Plan 建设方案
Mining Plan 开采方案
Water prevention and control program 防治水方案
Prevention of the gas and coal dust explosion 防治瓦斯、煤尘爆炸
Mine fire prevention 矿井防灭火
Minefield development and mining 井田开拓与开采
Mine characteristic and development principle 矿井特点及开发原则
Minefield development 井田开拓
underground mining 井下开采
Coal processing 煤的加工,煤的洗选
Coal quality 煤质
Environmental protection 环境保护
Major sources of pollution and pollutants 主要污染源和主要污染物摄像望远镜
Ecological changes caud by mine development 矿井开发引起的生态变化
Designed with environmental protection standards设计采用的环境保护标准
Preliminary plan of pollution control 控制污染的初步方案
Development Plan Brief Conclusions 开发方案简要结论
Available rerves of mine design, design duty and rvice life 设计可采储量、设计生产能力、服务年限
product scheme 产品方案
Mine industrial field location and scheme of mining and development 井口工业场地位置及开拓开采方案
Brief asssments for engineering project 对工业项目的简要评述
Issues and suggestions 存在的问题及建议
attached Document 附件
entrustment letter 委托书
Record-Keeping Certification 备案证明
Review Opinions on Report for 评审意见书
Attached drawings 附图
attached file (邮件的)附件
Surface and underground map of 井上下对照图
plane map 平面图
ction map 剖面图
Mining area 矿区范围
Geological and Topographic map 地质地形图
General Layout Plan of 总平面布置图
geographic coordinate 地理坐标
Its traffic is comparatively convenient 交通较为方便
Topography and landform 地形和地貌
The mining area topographic disction is inten 矿区地形切割强烈
dry ason 干季,旱季
rainy ason 雨季
private enterpri 民营企业,私营企业
minable coal ams 可采煤层
one-third(1/3) coking coal 1/3焦煤
the raw coal ash contents are between 15% and 25%原煤灰分为15%-25%
the total sulphur contents of raw coals are between 0.2% and 0.5%. 全硫0.2%-0.5%
production 生产,产量(指宏观的)
product 产品(指微观的)
civilian u 民用
Coal preparation plant(CPP) 洗煤厂
Preface 前言
be administered by the authorities of 行政区划隶属于(准格尔旗窑沟乡)管辖
workload,workvolume 工程量(工作量)
commissioning 投产
shaft bottom 井底车场
working face 工作面
haulageway,haulage roadway 运输巷
main haulageway 运输大巷
main roadway 大巷
track transport, track haulage 轨道运输
trackless transport 无轨运输
track roadway 轨道巷
air-return roadway 回风巷
减数分裂口诀roadway 巷道
冠的形近字shaft 井筒
incline, inclined shaft 斜井
shaft, vertical shaft 竖井
vertical shaft development 竖井开拓
mine construction 矿井建设
mine construction volume 矿建工程量
district 采区
roof 顶板
floor 底板
fal roof 伪顶
immediate roof 直接顶
main roof 老顶
roof stability 顶板稳定性
working face 回采工作面,采煤工作面
coal mining method 采煤方法
blast-winning technology 爆破采煤工艺
mining level 开采水平
longwall mining on the strike 走向长壁采煤法
advancing mining 前进式开采
retreating mining 后退式开采
upward mining 上行式开采
downward mining 下行式开采
belt transporter 胶带输送机
extensible belt transporter 可伸缩胶带输送机
belt 胶带,皮带
belt roadway 皮带巷
transfer 转载,转运
transfer point 转载点
transloader 转载机
coal mining 采煤
caving the roof 放顶
inclined roadway 斜巷
level working,horizontal working 平巷
shaft sinking and drifting 井巷工程
tup room 切眼