Chapter 1 Introduction
Name of International Law 国际法的名称
Jus gentium 万民法
the law of nations 万国法
International law 国际法
public international law 国际公共法
the nature of international law 国际法的性质
Features of international law 国际法的特征
1. Subjects. 主体
States are the most important subjects 国家是最重要的主体
2. Sources. 渊源
Its main sources are agreements among states. 那一定会很好最主要的渊源是国际条约
3. Objects. 叫牌对象
It is mainly concerned with governing the relations between, and the conduct of ,states. 主要涉及国家之间的关系
4. The enforcement of international law. 国际法的执行
International law is enforced through the United Nations and the International Court Justice. The role of lf-help, either through diplomatic means or the u of armed force in lf-defence, should not be underestimated. 国际法是执行通过联合国和国际法院的法官。作用的自助,要么通过外交途径或使用武力自卫,不应低估。
Theories of International Law 国际法学说
Naturalists 自然法学派
Positivists 实在法学派
Grotians 格老秀斯法学派
New naturalists 新自然法学派
New positivists 新实在法学派
The relation between international and municipal law (domestic law / national law) 国际法和城市法的联系(国内法)
Monism 一元论
1) 国内法优先说
the supremacy of national law ----- -domestic law prevailing over International law supremacy至上
2) 国际歌连臣角法优先说
the supremacy of international law---- International law prevailing over domestic law
Dualism 二元论
the conflicts between international law and national law
Chapter 2
Sources and Codification of International Law
The main sources of international law 国际法的主要渊源
1 、Treaties 条约
2、Customs 习惯
3、General Principles of Law 一般法律原则
4、Judicial Decisions 司法判例
5、the Teachings of Publicist 教义公关
6、Other Possible Sources 其它渊源
Codification of international law 国际法的编纂
the International law commission 国际法委员会
progressive development 逐渐发展
codification 编纂
Chapter 3
The Fundamental Principles of International Law
The UN Principles 联合国的原则
The Fundamental Principles of International Law 国际法的基本原则
The Basic principles of international law 国际法的基本原则
1、The principle of sovereign equality of States 主权平等原则
2、利益相关The Principle of Equal Rights and Self-determination of Peoples 权利平等原则和人民自决原则.
3、The principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or u of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purpos of the United Nations. 各国在其国际关系上不得使用威胁或武力的领土完整或政治独立的任何国家,或以任何其他方式不符合联合国宗旨原则.
4、The principle that States shall ttle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and curity and justice are not endangered. 各国应通过和平手段解决国际争端的方式,国际和平与安全和正义不是濒危原则.
5、non-intervention----The duty not to intervene in matters within the domestic jurisdiction of any State, in accordance with the Charter.干预----不干涉事项属于任何国家国内管辖,依照宪章
6、The duty of States to co-operate with one another in accordance with the Charter 各国有责任互相配合,依照宪章
7、The principle that States shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the Charter国家应真诚履行所承担的义务原则.
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项原则
12元纸币回收价格表、mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty 互相尊重领土主权完整原则
2、mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯原则
3、non-interference in each other's internal affairs 互不干涉内政原则
4、equality and mutual benefit 平等互利原则
5、peaceful coexistence 和平共处原则
Chapter 4
Subjects of International Law
A subject of international law must have international personality, it must be of posssing international rights and perform international obligations band, as a conquence, must have the capacity to maintain such rights by bring international claims. 国际法的主体必须具有国际人格,它必须拥有国际权利和履行国际义务,因此,必须有能力维护其权利提出国际索赔亚热带植物.
The subjects of international law 国际法的主体
States----the Fundamental Subjects of International Law 国家---国际法的基本主体
International Organizations----the Important Subjects of International Law 重要的国际组织---国际法的主体
Other non-state Actors(Insurgents and rebel groups;National liberation movements) 其他非国家行为者(叛乱和反叛团体;民族解放运动)
Recognition in International law 国际法的承认
Recognition of states 承认的国家
Independence 独立;uniting 合并;
paration 分离;disintegration 分立/解体。
The theoretical issue 理论问题
The constitutive theory 本构理论
The declaratory theory 宣告式理论
Recognition of governments 政府的承认
一树梅花一放翁全诗express recognition 明示承认
implied recognition 默示承认
recognition de jure 法律上的承认
recognition de facto 事实上的承认
Nonrecognition 不承认
Succession in International law 国际法上的继承
State succession 国家继承
Government succession 政府继承
Succession of international organization 国际组织继承