植物克隆E-SPIR2000for Spare Parts Management
The policies and decisions made at the beginning of a project have a significant impact on the cost of building and operating the plant or equipment. The spare parts process is difficult to manage in projects becau of the many parties involved and the large quantities of spare parts to be reviewed. Manufacturers and EPC contractors have their own interests, which may not always be the same as the operator’s interests. On the other hand, purchars, standardirs and maintenance personnel want to receive high quality spare parts information.
What can go wrong?
•Contract with EPC contractor not specific on the spare parts management process
•Review process is late, chaotic and uncontrolled
•Sub-suppliers’ part numbers not quoted
•Duplicate spare parts not identified
•Too many spare parts ordered, too late
•Review costs run out of control
•Late inputting of spare parts data into operational systems
Managing the process
A special tool has been developed which standardis suppliers’ quotations, simplifies the review process, finds duplicate items bad on part number information, and provides progress and budget reports to management. By means of the same tool, spare parts quotations can be prepared for uploading
into the client’s ERP system.
Guidelines have been developed for projects to support project management in controlling the spare parts review process. Recommendations are provided for the co-ordination, review, lection and purcha of spare parts.
2.What is E-SPIR 2000?
The program
E-SPIR 2000 (Electronic Spare Parts and Interchangeability Record) is a software package for obtaining spare parts information from equipment suppliers in a standard format. It supports the purchar in reviewing and lecting spare parts.
The program consists of two parts:面食大全
●Supplier Program (free of charge);
●Advisor Program (available against payment of a Licence Fee). The E-SPIR process
Suppliers provide the spare parts data and the related equipment references via e-mail to the purchar. The E-SPIR suppliers’ software is available, complete with instructions, to all suppliers via the E-SPIR website. Purchar (Advisor)
The purchar (usually the EPC contractor) collects the spare parts information, called E-SPIRs, received from the different suppliers into one file. The EPC contractor reviews the quality and completeness of the data and then forwards the SPIRs to the owner of the facility. Maintenance specialists review the data to prepare a purcha recommendation, while standardirs prepare the E-SPIRs for uploading into ERP systems.
Additional program features
Step-by-step follow-up facilities with coloured symbols reprenting the spare parts and SPIR level in different phas of the review process. Management reports are produced to monitor progress of the receipt, review and ordering of E-SPIRs, with spare parts purchas deducted from the spare parts budget.
The E-SPIR 2000 program incorporates know-how and experti built up over many years. By using the program the review process can be managed, while the costs of reviewing and purchasing the spare parts can be reduced considerably.
Facilities have been built into the program to prepare the various E-SPIRs for uploading into the customer’s ERP system, whereby the relationship between the equipment and the spare parts is mai妈妈的英文单词
Review Time Savings
Experience with the reviewing of E-SPIRs compared with the reviewing of original paper SPIRs has shown overall time savings of up to 40 per cent for buyers, maintenance engineers, and standardirs.
Many suppliers have prepared E-SPIRs for other customers before, which increas the quality of the data and reduces the time spent on chasing information.
Advice to purcha
Suppliers are obliged to list the spare parts for equipment purchad and to make a recommendation instead of just nding spare part listings. This helps to reduce the time needed to filter and process the spare parts list, and then choo the parts needed for the project.
绿色英语怎么读Prevents buying duplicate items
The part numbers, loaded in E-SPIR, of spare parts from main or sub-suppliers are automatically checked against the spare parts quoted in other E-SPIRs and against your stock inventory, which can be imported into the E-SPIR program.
Data upload to ERP systems
At the end of the project the spare parts data has to be transferred to operational system. The program has many facilities, such as adding Material Groups and creating automatic spare parts descriptions for Equipment spare parts listings in ERP systems.
Overall savings
Due to the controlled and efficient review process, the program provides you with the time to deliver savings. Chasing E-SPIRs costs less time than chasing missing information in paper SPIRs or spreadsheets.
4.Upload facilities to other systems
The task of entering spare parts data into an ERP or maintenance system should not be underestimated. Experience has shown that entering the data into an ERP system and creating the li
nk between the spare parts and the equipment takes nearly as much time as the complete review of the SPIRs. To prepare the SPIRs for uploading, Vendor Data, Tag numbers (Functional Locations in SAP) and Material Groups need to be added to the SPIR data. The program provides many facilities for this purpo.
Uploading facilities have been developed to transfer SPIR data to SAP, Pacer and CMT (Catalogue Management Tool). When the data are uploaded into an ERP system the links between the equipment and the spare parts will be maintained.
Several EPC contractors using the E-SPIR program have developed uploading facilities for automatic ordering of the spare parts.
5.Spare parts advisory rvices
From stock reviews we know that most of the unnecessary and excess spare parts are purchad during or just after the project pha. In many cas too many spare parts have been quoted. To review the SPIR data received and prepare data for uploading into ERP systems, we offer Spare Parts Advisory Services (professional E-SPIR review).
The rvices include:
yaoo●Reviewing the quality of the spare parts data, links to drawings and
parts lists and quantities quoted against the requirements of the
equipment installed.
●Checking duplicate items against parts already available in the system.
●Preparing the SPIR files for uploading into the ERP (SAP, MAXIMO,
etc.) system, by allocating Vendor Data, Tag numbers (Functional
Locations in SAP), and Material Groups to the spare parts data.
Coding of the spare parts can be optionally included.
●Selection and advice on spare parts quantities required.