CONTRACTOR shall implement and maintain an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) for the duration of the Project. The EDMS will ensure that all deliverables needed to operate and maintain the plant, after CONTRACTOR’S completion, are electronically registered. The information contained in the deliverables is easily and reliably available to CONTRACTOR, COMPANY, SITE, and PMC, throughout the cour of the Project. The system architecture will be bad on the integration of industry standard, nonproprietary, commercially available software application and hardware components, which meet the requirements listed below:
1 IMAGING 叶天士简介图像处理
CONTRACTOR shall install for the duration of the Project an EDMS which shall allow full image processing, the scope of which refers to the electronic capture of application software files and scanned images including CAD.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure all Project deliverables are electronically imported into the EDMS. Images and files will be indexed within the EDMS for future viewing and distribution.
For deliverable information not initially available in electronic format, CONTRACTOR shall establish a scanning workstation to convert hard copy medium into electronic format
for import into EDMS.
CONTRACTOR shall import into the EDMS the following Project deliverables for the Project国外文学 duration and COMPANY handover:
∙ CONTRACTOR design drawings/documents. 承包商设计图纸/文件
∙ COMPANY drawing/documents. 业主图纸/文件
∙ THIRD PARTY drawing/documents. 第三方图纸/文件
∙ VENDOR documentation.供应商文件
电子科学与技术专业∙ Project correspondence/transmittals. 项目通信/来往文件
∙ Project related computer files. 项目有关电脑文件
∙ Hard copy, printed Project related information in an imaged format. 项目有关硬拷贝邓琳琳现在多高了/打印的资料(图像格式)
∙ 移动账单明细查询All documents should be connected to its TAG's, unit and disciplines. 包子馅怎么做好吃所有文件应贴上标签,按单位及专业分类。
To facilitate the transfer of deliverables between all parties involved it is esntial that attention is drawn to the need for maintaining accurate referencing of metadata and file content.
∙ Documents (flat files in PDF format) and Indexing Data (metadata) shall be provided for EDMS upload in CSV format. Care shall be taken by all parties involved to provide data i
n a chronological order such that revisions of documents can be uploaded in order of issue.
∙ Where EDMS upload is performed in a batch process throughout Project phas, each batch shall take into account any previous batches such that order of issue is maintained.
∙ 在项目阶段按批次进行EDMS上传时,应考虑之前的每一批次,以确保文件先后顺序。
∙ File path and name () shall be supplied in a format parated by a dash (-) with no spaces such that each line of data in the EDMS upload file shall have a corresponding exact match to the electronic filename on the transfer medium (CD/DVD/Document Exchange Server).
∙ 文件路径和名称(文件-编号-版次-版本.扩展)的格式以“-”分开,无空格,以便转换成其它媒介格式(ED/DVD/文件交换服务器)后,EDMS上传文件中每行数据与电子文件名称
∙ Documents (native files in editing format) shall be transferred between all parties involved with associated metadata in the same methodology as described above, where native files are a singular file format. In cas such as CAD where it is necessary to maintain any reference files, appropriate methods should be managed to facilitate transfer so as to maintain links to reference files.
∙ 文件(原文件以编辑格式)应在与元数据有关的各方之间传送(以上述相同方法),而原文件只有一种格式。如果原文件是CAD格式时,为了保护援引文件,应采取适当方法便于传送,其目的是保持与援引文件的联系。
The EDMS shall provide the functionality to control workflow of CONTRACTOR'S deliverable images, both within the CONTRACTOR'S office and the transmission and receipt to/from CONTRACTOR, COMPANY, SITE(S) and PMC. The EDMS workflow shall have the ability to route multiple documents to a prelected group of recipients.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure the EDMS is fully capable of electronic distribution of Project deliverable documents in compliance with COMPANY’S coordination procedure appendices. The EDMS is required to generate workgroups of 拜年作文300字Project deliverable documents for single/multiple distributions, CONTRACTOR shall attach electronic transmittals of COMPANY’S transmittals, comment sheets and respon letters. Distributions shall be automatic generated within the EDMS with the ability to manually override/redistribute Project deliverable documents if required.