1. Which of the following is least likely to be a motivation of management to overreport earnings?音响线
A. Meet earnings expectation.
B. Negotiation with labor union.
C. Remain in compliance with debt covenants.
2. The "fraud triangle" consists of:
A. incentive or pressure, opportunity, and attitudes or rationalization.
B. ineffective management, unstable organizational structure, and deficient internal controls.
C. inappropriate ethical standards, violation of laws or regulations, and failing to correct known reportable conditions.
3. Accounting fraud risk factors related to attitudes and rationalizations are least likely to include:
A. management has a strained relationship with the current or previous auditor.
B. the firm does not **municate an appropriate t of ethical standards.
C. a high proportion of management"s compensation depends on the firm exceeding targets for earning or the stock price.
4. Accounting warning signs related to Enron scandal least likely include:
A. cookie-jar rerves.欲上青天揽明月
B. related-party transactions.
C. inflated sales to special purpo entities.
5. Decreasing accounts payable turnover by delaying payments to suppliers is most likely to cau cash flow from financing activities to:
A. increa.
B. decrea.
C. remain unchanged.
6. In order to generate cash, Company A curitized its accounts receivable through a special purpo entity. Company B pledge its accounts receivable to a local bank in order to cure a short-term loan. Assuming Company A and Company B are identical in all other respects, **pany has higher operating cash flow and **pany has higher financing cash flow?
higher operating cash flow higher financing cash flow
① Company A Company A
② Company A Company B
③ Company B Company B
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
7. Which of the following is the most uful to an analyst asssing the credit worthiness of a company?
结婚请帖怎么填写A. Information related to operating cash flow.苏州铜雀台
B. Information related to operational efficiency of a company"s operations.
C. Information related to the scale and diversity of a company"s operations.
8. Analysts are likely to consider a company"s credit quality to be improving if **pany reduces its:
A. leverage.五大句型
B. margin stability.
C. scale and diversification.
印度尼西亚语9. An analyst needs to compare the financial statements of Firm A and Firm B. Which of the following differences in the two firms" financial reporting is least likely to acquire the analyst to make an adjustment?
Firm A Firm B
① straight-line depreciation accelerate depreciation
② direct method cash flows indirect method cash flows
③ IFRS financial reporting U.S.A. GAAP financial reporting
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
10. Are held-for-trading curities and influential curities reported on the balance sheet at fair value?
held-for-trading curities influential curities
① yes no
② no yes
③ yes yes
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
11. Corrisson Company is in the third year of a 4-year contract to build a new airdrome. Due to a labor strike, Corrisson is unable to reliably estimate the total cost of the project. Can Corrisson recognize revenue in the first year of the project according to U.S. accounting standards and international accounting standards?
U.S. accounting standards international accounting standards
① yes no
② no yes
③ yes yes
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
12. According to the International Accounting Standards Board, where should a firm report interest received and dividends received in the cash flow statement?
A. Operating activities only.
B. Operating activities or financing activities.
C. Operating activities or investing activities.
13. At the end of the year, a firm reported LIFO inventory of $30000 and cost of goods sold of $80000. If the LIFO rerve was $8000 at the beginning of the year and $20000 at the end of the year, how much was FIFO COGS?
A. $57000
B. $63000
C. $68000
14. A large corporation accepts a project which generates no revenue and has a negative net prent value. The project is most likely classified in which of the following categories?
A. replace project.
B. new product or rvice.
C. regulatory or environment project.