The place of titles
The title or the topic of the essay should be placed in the middle of the first line.
1.Every word of the title should be capitalized except articles,preositions,coordinating,conjunctions and to in infinitives.
2.But if one of the words is the first or last word of the title, it should be capitalized.
3.The title of a book within the topic should be underlined,and the title of an article should be put between quotation marks引号.)
Word division
即单词划分 (当一行写到末尾时候,可能出现一个单词写不完的情况,这是需要用到单词划分。)
1.重读闭音节通常在辅音字母后面断开。如,fin ish
2.以辅音字母加le结尾的通常在辅音字母前断开。如,peo ple
4.以两个字母的后缀结尾的,不能在后缀处划分。如,hand ed,hard en
6.合成词应在练此符号出断开。如,broad minded
7.有两个连续相同辅音字母的双音节词,在相同的两个辅音字母中间断开。如,lat ter
9.容易引起误解的应避免。如,re ally,lay man
Capitalized words are ud mainly in three places: proper names, key words in titles, and the first words of ntences.
(一)The Comma (,)逗号
1.A comma is ud to join coordinate claus, it is put before the conjunction.
2.A comma is ud after an adverbial clau or phra, including a prepositional and a participial phra before the subject, or inrted in the middle of the ntence.
3.Commas are ud to parate a ries of words or phras with the same function in the ntence:
4.Nonrestrictive claus and phras are t off by commas
5.Commas t off parenthetical elements
6.In dates, a comma is ud to parate the day and the year if the order is month—day—year; no comma need be ud if the order is day—month—year.
雷锋属什么生肖7.With numbers of 1 000 or over, commas or little blank spaces may be ud to parate digits by thousands. Form right to left, a commas is placed after every three numerals.
(二)The Period ( . )句号
1.The period is ud at the end of a declarative ntence, a mildly imperative ntence, and an indirect question.
2.The period is ud with most abbreviations.
3.Three spaced period make the ellipsis mark, which indicates the omission of one or more words within a quoted passage.
(三)The Semicolon ( ; )分号
1.The micolon is ud between two coordinate claus which are not linked by a conju
2.Conjunctive adverbs like therefore, however, nonetheless, hence, otherwi, besides, moreover, etc., should not be ud as conjunctions to link two coordinate claus, before them there should be a micolon, not a comma.
3.The micolon is ud with conjunctions when the claus contain internal punctuation.
4.The micolon is ud to parate a ries of items with internal commas.
5.A micolon may be ud to join claus with words omitted, and the omission is sometimes indicated by a comma.
(四)The Colon ( : )冒号
1.The colon is ud to introduce a quotation or a statement.
2.The colon is ud to introduce an examination, a summary, or an appositive.
3.The colon is ud between the hour and the minute to show the time, to record the scores of games, to end the salutation of a business letter and the introductory remark of a spealer to the chairman and audience.
(五)The Question Mark ( ?)问号
1.The question mark is ud after a direct question.
2.The question mark is ud after a statement turned into a question.
3.A question mark put between parenthes indicates the writer’s uncertainty about the correctness of the preceding word, figure or date.
(六)The Exclamation Mark ( ! )叹号
1.The exclamation mark is ud after an exclamatory ntence, or an emphatic interjection, or a phra expressing strong emotion..
2.Sometimes the exclamation mark is ud after a slogan.
(七)Quotation Marks( … )引号雪梨银耳汤的做法
1.Double quotation marks are ud to enclo direct quotations in dialogue or from books or articles.
2.Single quotation marks are ud to enclo a quotation within a quotation.
3.Indirect quotations are not enclod by quotation marks.
4.Quotation marks are ud for titles of articles, essays, short stories, short poems, songs, etc., and for headings of chapters or subdivisions of books. Titles of books, newspapers and magazines are generally underlined or italicized.
5.Words with special meaning are sometimes put between quotation marks,专业技能
(八)Parenthes/Brackets ( ( ) )圆括号
电脑高清壁纸1.Parenthes are ud to t off parenthetical, supplementary, or illustrative words.
2.Parenthes enclo figures or letters ud for enumeration.
(九)Square Brackets( 【 】 )方括号