班别: 姓名: 学号:朋友有心
I. 选择最佳译文: (10%)
[ ]1. Temperatures could soar by nearly 6℃ this century, warns a UN report relead recently.
A. 21世纪地球气温可能上升近6摄氏度,近来联合国发表报告警告说。
B. 21世纪地球气温可能上升近6摄氏度,警告近来联合国发表的报告。
姑嫂双飞 C. 近来联合国释放的报告警告说,21世纪地球气温可能上升近6摄氏度。
D. 近来联合国发表报告警告说,21世纪地球气温可能上升近6摄氏度。
[ ]2. Stanley Jordan is being called “the world’s first two-handed guitarist”.
A. 斯坦利·乔丹目前被誉为“世界上第一位拥有双手的吉他演奏家”。
B. 斯坦利·乔丹正在被叫做“世界上第一位使用双手的吉他演奏家”。
C. 斯坦利·乔丹目前被誉为“世界上第一位双手叩弦的吉他演奏家”。
D. 斯坦利·乔丹正在被称为“世界上第一位双手叩弦的吉他演奏家”。
[ ]3. Soldiers swarmed ashore, captured a few curious souls, and presd at once inland eking more victims.
A. 士兵们蜂涌上岸,抓了一些好奇灵魂,然后立即向内地压,去搜寻更多的捕捉对象。
B. 士兵们蜂涌上岸,抓了一些好奇的人,然后立即向内地压迫,去搜寻更多的牺牲品。
C. 士兵们蜂涌上岸,抓了一些好奇的人,然后立即向内地推进,去搜寻更多的牺牲品。做有意义的事
D. 士兵们蜂涌上岸,抓了一些好奇的人,然后立即向内地挺进,去搜寻更多的捕捉对象。
[ ] 4. I hope that any of my friends and colleagues, or former colleagues, who are affected by the political reconstruction, will make all allowance for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.
A. 我希望,受到这次政治改组影响的朋友和同僚,或前任同僚,对略去以往必不可少的礼节,能给予体谅。
B. 我希望朋友和同僚,或受到这次政治改组影响的前任同僚,对略去以往必不可少的礼节,能给予体谅。
C. 我希望朋友和同僚,或受到这次政治体制改革影响的前任同僚,对略去以往必不可少的礼节,能给予体谅。
D. 我希望朋友和同僚,或受到这次政治改组影响的前任同僚,能够允许略去以往必不可少的礼节。
[ ]5. The green eyes in the carefully sweet face were turbulent, willful, lusty with life.
A. 她脸上着意装出温婉的表情,可那绿色的眼睛却是骚动不宁,执拗任性,充满生机。
B. 她小心地温婉的脸,可那绿色的眼睛却是骚动不宁,执拗任性,充满生机。
C. 她着意装出温婉的表情的脸上的绿色的眼睛骚动不宁,执拗任性,充满生机。
D. 她脸上着意装出甜蜜蜜的表情,那绿色的眼睛却是骚动不宁,执拗任性,充满生机。
[ ]6. 我见了这两河流域截然相反的景象,感到痛心疾首。
A. I saw the sharp contrast between the two rivers, felt pain in my heart.
B. I felt pain in my heart and ache in my head upon eing the sharp contrast between the two rivers.
C. I felt pain in my heart upon eing the sharp contrast between the two rivers.
D. I felt pain in my heart, becau eing the sharp contrast between the two rivers.
[ ]7. 近年来,他又吸收西洋画法,运用油画技法在内画壶上创作人物肖像,达到相当完美的境界。
A. In recent years, he has been employing Western painting methods and oil painting techniques to paint portraits inside snuff bottles to reach perfection.
B. In recent years, he has been employing Western oil painting techniques to paint quite perfect portraits inside snuff bottles.
C. In recent years, he has been absorbing Western painting techniques, using oil painting techniques to paint quite perfect portraits inside snuff bottles.
D. In recent years, he has been employing Western oil painting techniques to paint portraits inside snuff bottles, and reached a quite perfect level.
讲个儿童故事[ ]8. 一九一九年“巴黎和会”上中国外交的失败,激起了中国人民的极大愤慨。
A. China’s diplomatic failure at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference aroud great indignation of the Chine people.
B. China’s diplomacy failed at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference aroud great indignation among the Chine people.
C. China’s diplomatic failure at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference aroud great indignation among the Chine people.
D. China’s diplomacy failed at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, arousing great anger of the Chine people.
[ ]9. 这里,我想就以下一些方面谈些看法,希望有助于诸位对中国的了解。
A. Here, I would like to make some obrvations on the following aspects, which I hope will help you know China better.
B. Here, I would like to make some opinions on the following aspects, which I hope will help you know China better.
C. Here, I would like to make some obrvations on the following aspects, which I hope that will help you know China better.
D. Here, I would like to make some obrvations on the following aspects, and I hope will help you know China better.
[ ]10. 但终于硬着头皮,走到左边的一坐坟前,放下篮子。
A. But, she summoned up courage to cross over to a grave in the left ction, where she t down basket.
B. However, she hardened the skin of her head to cross over to a grave in the left ction, where she t down her basket.
C. However, she summoned up courage to cross over to a grave in the left ction, t down her basket.
D. However, she summoned up courage to cross over to a grave in the left ction, where she t down her basket.
II. 翻译下列短语: (10%)
1. polar icecap ______________________________
2. contrapuntal voices ______________________________
3. the tremendous size of the United States ______________________________
4. French descent ______________________________