Major Differences Between Chine and English
I.Hypotactic vs paratactic (形合与意合)心有千千结全诗
Hypotactic----the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of claus with connectives, for example, “Is hall die if you don’t come” (中译为: )(复句中成分之间的关系用一种公式,即连接词来连接).
Paratactic----The arraging of claus one after another without connectives showing the logical relation between them. (分句与分句之间不用连接词来表示相互之间的逻辑关系). English tends to be hypotactic while Chine tends to be paratactic. We should remember the tendency in the two languages is relative not absolute. The structure of English is compared to a tree with various branches on different levels, while Chine is caompared to a bamboo with one part after another.
e.g. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us: that from the honored dead we take incread devotion to that cau for which they gave the last f
ull measure of devotion; that we here highly revolve that the dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address ) (我们应该做的是献身于他们留给我们的伟大任务。我们的先烈已将自己的全部精诚付与我们的事业,我们应从他们的榜样中汲取更多的精神力量,努力使他们的鲜血不致白流。在上的保佑下,自由将得到新生。我们这个民有、民治、民巷的政府将永存于世上。)
The isolation of the rural world, becau of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media.
It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days,
or in sadness about friends who are dead.(from How to Grow Old)
Man propos, God dispos. (paratactic)
I was just about to make a little bow of ant, when the meaning of the last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie. (hypotactic)
II.Stactic vs paratactic
Stactic---- English tends to u nouns (including abtracts nouns), prepositions to express some ideas which would be expresd by verbs in Chine(dynamic).
餐桌上的故事A woman with fair opportunities, and without an an absolute hump, may marry whom she likes. (Vanity Fair)
Carlisle street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markests, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide greenlawn.(pay attention to the u of prepositions)
In Chine , verbs does not need any morphological change, therefoe, it is very convenient to u Chine verbs, especiallly for dynamic description.
He could not help, too, rolling his large eyes round him as he ate, and chuckling with the possibility that he might one day be lord of all this scene of almost unimaginable luxury and splendour.
III. Impersonal vs Personal (人称和物称)
Impersonal固态硬盘损坏----not showing any feelings of smpathy, friendliness. An impersonal ntence or verb is one where the subject or object is reprented by a word such as “it”.(人称)
It was surprising that I met her that time.
The year of 1949 witnesd this accident.
My heart went out to the old warrior as spectators pushed by him to shake Darrow’s hand. (比较:当观众从他身边挤过去与道拉握手时,我都同情起这位沙场老将起来。)武当八卦掌
(I am much less lfish and more peaceful, I think.) When there are so many animals that need to be taken care of, it takes the focus off me. (WE, 2001/2,p56) (英语中即便是涉及的事情,仍然可以用不带感情色彩的表达方式)
Compare the following pairs:
I hope… (personal)
It is my hope that … (impersonal)
There are 4 members in his family. (impersonal)
He has 4 members in his family (personal)
IV.Abstract vs Concrete
"Men feel happier knowing that their wife is having as much medical attention as possible despite the fact that what their wives actually need is some peace and the freedom to shout and scream without being made to feel lf-conscious. (WE,2001,1,P68~69)
(注意men是否可以有多种译法。freedom 的理解和翻译没有和后面的without being made to feel lf-conscious联系起来,太抽象, 此处宜用比较具体的说法。)
To u verbs to substitute for actions nouns
1) I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.
2) He had surfaced with less visibility in the policy decisions.
3)耐用充电宝 鹌鹑蛋的做法大全The problems defy easy classification.