You may find it difficult to understand the thought of Hume, and if you have no philosophical training its implications10800大写 will doubtlessly escape you; but no one with any education at all can fail to understand exactly what the meaning of each ntence is. There are two sorts of obscurity that you find in writers. One is due to negligence and the other to willfulness. People often write obscurely becau they have never taken the trouble to learn to write clearly. This sort of obscurity you find too often in modern philosophers, in men of science, and even in literary critics. Here it is indeed strange. You would have thought that men who pasd their lives in the study of the great masters of literature would be sufficiently nsitive to the beauty of language to write if not beautifully at least with perspicuity. Yet you will find in their works ntence after ntence that you must read twice to discover the n.
E-C 参考答案:
Mr. Osborn, having a firm conviction in his own mind that he was a woman-killer and destined to conquer, did not run counter to his fate, but yielded himlf up to it quite complacently. And as Emmy did not say much or plague him with her jealousy, but merely became unhappy and pined over it mirably in cret, he cho to fancy that she was not suspicious of what all his acquaintances were perfectly aware of --------namely, that he was carrying on a desperate flirtation with Mrs. Crawley. He rode with her whenever she was free. He pretended regimental business to Amelia ( by which falhood she was not in the least deceived), and consigning his wife to solitude or her brother’s society, pasd his evenings in the Crawleys’ company, losing money to the husband and flattering himlf that the wi
fe was dying of love for him. It is very likely that this worthy couple never absolutely conspired and agreed together in so many words; the one to coax the young gentleman while the other won his money at cards. But they understood each other perfectly well, and Rawdon let Osborn come and go with entire good humor.
奥斯本先生坚信自己是位猎艳高手(风月场上的能手),命中注定会博得女人们的欢心,因此他不愿意同命运背道而驰,而是追逐女人,乐在其中(乐此不彼)。艾米寡言少语,从不惹他心烦,只是悄悄黯然神伤(暗地里悲叹自己命苦)。虽然他的朋友都知道他和克劳勒太太打情骂俏,可他却总是认为艾米还蒙在鼓里。只要克劳勒太太一有空,奥斯本先生就陪她骑马兜风,可他对艾米利亚谎称团里公务缠身(团里有事,抽不开身)。对于这种欺骗行为, 艾米一清二楚(了如指掌)。他让妻子独守空房(把妻子凉在一边)或者将她交给她哥哥的交际圈里,自己却与克劳勒夫妇夜夜厮混。他把钱输给克劳勒先生,却认为克劳勒太太发疯似地爱着自己,并为此而陶醉怎么翻译。虽然这对高尚的夫妇很可能真的从未密谋娃娃家活动目标,由女的哄骗小伙子,而男的和他打牌赢钱,但是他们心照不宣,罗登高高兴兴地听任奥斯本进进出出、来去自如。
In a game the moves are t up beforehand. In a non-game situation the moves are suppod to ari out of events as the develop. A girl wants to encourage her boyfriend so she pretends to be busy when he phones her or she pretends that someone el is courting her. A young child who is reluctant to go to bed deliberately spills milk from a cup on to the carpet so that in the ensuing fuss and scolding the immediacy of his bedtime will be forgotten. Diplomats at a conference make a great fuss over the shape of the table as they play the procedural game. An agent lling the film rights in a first novel casually mentions other parties who have shown an interest in buying the rights. A hostess deliberately places a ductive lady next to a husband with a jealous wife. Union negotiators go through a ritual of complaints before ttling down to discuss the current issue.
A good games player not only knows how to make the next move, he can think one, two or three moves ahead. This is extremely difficult for an inexperienced player. Thus the player who ts up a familiar game can lay traps veral moves ahead with very little chance of the opponent noticing what is being done. Just as
a philosopher will always try to run an argument according to his own definitions so a games player will always try to make an opponent play his special game.
But the best definition of existence I ever saw was one written by another philosopher who said: "To be is to be in relations." If this is true, then the more relations a living thing has, the more it is alive. To live abundantly means simply to increa the range and intensity of our relations. Unfortunately we are so constituted that we get to love our routine. But apart from our regular occupation, how much are we alive? If you are interested only in your regular occupation, you are alive only to that extent. So far as other things are concerned---poetry and pro, music, pictures, sports, unlfish friendships, politics, international affairs---you are dead.