
更新时间:2023-07-15 15:41:15 阅读: 评论:0

这是我朋友  韦德·坎贝尔 This is my friend Wade Campbell.
她太英国人了  我们不止是朋友 She's so British. We're a little more than friends.
幸会 Good to meet you.
-抱歉  -不用  本来就该这样 - I'm sorry. - No, this is exactly what was suppod to happen.
你俩分手四次  和好五次 You two have broken up four times and gotten together five times,
你们之间一定有很强的羁绊 so there must be a strong connection.
-你是在挖苦我吗  -不是 - Was that sarcastic? - No.
你们俩显然还有感情 You guys obviously have something.
我的建议是  别再分手了 My suggestion is stop breaking up.
学学怎么吵架 Learn how to have a fight.
利萨  你在听吗  就是他 Lisa, are you still there? That was him.
茶党已经被激进化 The Tea Party is being radicalized
抛弃了最初的原则 and their original principles obliterated.
医保法案还未生效 The health care law hasn't taken effect yet.
不良资产救助计划是由小布什签署的 TARP was signed into law by George W. Bush.
他得低调下来  不然我炒了他 He's gonna tone it down or I'm gonna fire him.
你要为了解雇他而编借口吗 You'd manufacture a reason to do it?
我很珍惜我这份工作  查理 I've got a really good job, Charlie.
六周了  44楼还没有动静 In six weeks I haven't heard anything from the 44th floor.
-他们意见如何  -挺好的 - How are they with this? - Good. Good.
有什么需要担心的我会通知你 I'll tell you when there's something to worry about.
?  我要努力挺过这一关 ? ? Try to keep my head above it the best I can ?
?  所以我才在这里 ? ? That's why here I am ?
?  等着暴风雨经过 ? ? Just waiting for this storm to pass me by ?
?  聆听阳光的声音 ? ? And that's the sound of sunshine ?
?  从空中洒下 ? ? Coming down ?
?  聆听阳光的声音 ? ? And that's the sound of sunshine ?
我就说看到你溜进来了 Hey. I thought I saw you sneak in.
-你这身很好看  -谢谢  你也是 - You look nice. - Thanks. So do you.
当然  我去参加布鲁伯格的派对了 Oh, yeah. I was at a party at Bloomberg's.
迈克·布鲁伯格: 纽约市市长  美国最富有的政客 身价在全美排行第十  在私企老板中仅次于科赫兄弟
但你赶回来  和节目组大家庭一起过午夜 But you came here to be with your "News Night" Family at midnight.
看着他们过而已 Well, near them, anyway.
-能求你件事吗  -什么事 - Can I ask a favor? - Yeah.
韦德能跟你说两句话吗 Can Wade have two minutes with you?
他有事实要跟你说 He's got some facts he wants to share.
-可以  -你不介意 - Sure. - You don't mind?
不介意 No problem.
韦德 Wade?
-新年快乐  -新年快乐 - Happy New Year. - Happy New Year.
吉姆在整理你要的新闻事件 Oh, and Jim's putting together the packet of stories you asked him to.
来报道  如何 You wanna give it five minutes a night next week?
先看看故事再说  -好的 - Let's look at the stories first. - Done.
迈克科尔斯你们聊吧 I'll leave you guys alone.
-最近还好吗  -很好  谢谢 - How have you been? - I've been good, thanks.
感谢你抽出时间来见我 And I appreciate you taking a minute.
有什么事吗 What can I do for you?
你知道  我是纽约南区的助理检察官 You know I'm an assistant US attorney for the southern district, right?
知道 Yeah.
我现在的工作  是打击金融犯罪 Well, right now, my job's procuting financial crime.
韦德  欢迎你随时开始 Well, you know, Wade, feel free to start any time.
你可没少难为我们 You've been pretty rough on us.
国家金融服务公司吗  我该怎么说你 Countrywide? Well, I don't know what to tell you.
你们的起诉对象在市场上疯狂放贷 You've got guys flooding the market with bad mortgages,
欺骗投资者  牟利数十亿 lying to investors, making billions of dollars,
居然  还是通过电邮来密谋 but most incredibly, discussing it by email.
我无意羞辱你 I don't mean to insult you, man,
给他们定欺诈罪有那么难吗 but how do you not get a fraud conviction?
这正是我要说的 Right there's what I'm talking about.
我知道这故事的另一半 This is the half of the story you're leaving out.
-想听点猛料吗  -来吧 - Are you ready for me to blow your mind? - Sure.
-大脚怪是真的  -才不是 - Bigfoot's real. - No, it's not.
怀孕了还有白带吗北美洲民俗学中的一种未知灵长类生物  又名"野人" 许多人声称见到过大脚怪
-你居然...  -大脚怪是真的 - Did - Bigfoot is real.
才不是  -听我说  怀疑论者 - No, it's not. - Listen to me, skeptismo.
地球上有170万种已知生物 There are 1.7 million known species on the planet,
生物学家估计 and biologists estimate
这只是地球物种总数的四分之一 this reprents only a quarter of the total species on the planet.
其余四分之三都是微生物 The other three quarters are microscopic.
-你怎么知道  -我猜的 - How do you know? - I don't know.
但如果那四分之三都跟大脚怪一样 But if the other three quarters were Bigfoot,
就应该不难找  满大街都是才对 they wouldn't be hard to e. They'd be walking up and down the street.
大家静静地散开吧 We're gonna step slowly away now.
这事儿  不是熟人  千万别说 Don't mention this to anyone unless you know them really well.
熟人也别说 And even then.
熊猫直到1869年才被承认 Pandas were thought to be a myth until 1869.
大猩猩直到1902年才被承认 Gorillas were thought to be a myth until 1902.
巨型乌贼直到2004年才被承认 The giant squid was thought to be a myth until 2004.
-聊什么呢  -玛姬  听我说 - What's up? - Maggie, listen to me.
也就是食物链最顶端的物种 species at the top of t
它们总数最少  群聚数量也少 have the smallest numbers and move in the tiniest packs.
你说的是大脚怪吗 Is this Bigfoot?
物种多样性在热带雨林中尤为明显 Species diversity is greatest in the rain forests.
停  别提...闭嘴 Stop. Just don' stop.
你又在干什么 What are you doing?
努力工作 Trying to work.
你看得出来  大家在开派对吧 Do you e there's a party happening around you?
我无所谓 I'm okay.
真不知道你俩  谁的书呆子气更重 Sometimes it's hard to tell who the biggest nerd in the office is.
会不会有这么一种顶级掠食灵长类... Could there be an apex
今天是不会了 Not today, though.
凯莉 Kaylee.
你们还没见过凯莉吧 You guys haven't met Kaylee yet.
是你的新女友吗 Is this a new girlfriend?
"女友"这词太正式了 Girlfriend's a strong word.
是吗 Really?
-你好  宝贝  -你好 - Hey, baby. - Hey.
-把我灌醉  -没问题 -Get me drunk. - Done.
-来玩吧  -我会的 - Come on, join the party. - I will.
等我把威尔布置的任务完成 I just want to finish this for Will.
什么任务 What is it?
这一年我们忽视了  或没有足够重视的事件 Stories we misd this year or didn't give enough attention to.
-要帮忙吗  -好啊 - Want some help? - Sure.
这一摞给你  找出你认为... Yeah, take this stack here and anything you 活着读后感1000字
-忽视了的  -或没有足够重视的 - Anything we misd. - Or didn't give enough attention to.
"大脚怪是真的"还没人报道过 Bigfoot's real and I don't think anyone reported it.
-唐  -标记一下 - Hey, Don. - Circle it.
你今晚真美 You look really nice tonight.
-真的吗  -绝对是真的 - Yeah? - God, yes.
真的  绝对的 Yeah. Definitely.
我没打算要... Yeah, I don't mean
该死  唐来了 Shoot, Don's here.
-抱歉  -没事  反正我也快弄完了 - I'm sorry. - It's no problem. I was almost done.
那个  也别... Well, don't,
-休息一会儿  -我会的 - take a couple hours off. - I will.
真的会吗 Will you?
这可是在开派对  你去过派对吗 'Cau it's a party. Have you ever been to one?
去过至少三个呢 I have been to over three of them.
玛姬 Maggie.
一会儿见 See you later.
天哪  看看你 Oh, man. Look at you.
看看我 You look at me.
10点档节目  11点结束陈员外
我刚才赶着做节目  错过什么好戏没 I had to get a crew off the clock. Did I miss anything?
尼尔不依不饶地想让威尔报道大脚怪 Neal won't rest until he gets Will to do a story on Bigfoot.
大脚怪什么吗 Did Bigfoot do something?
大脚怪什么也干不了  它根本不存在 Bigfoot can't do anything. He's not real.
当年大家还说登月是假的呢 That's what they said about the moon landing.
你鸡尾酒喝多了吧 I believe you've had a cocktail.
男人就该喝鸡尾酒 Men have cocktails.
HBO《欲望城市》中的角色  相当保守
凯莉·布雷萧那样才喝烈酒 Carrie Bradshaw has drinks.
才怪  恰恰相反 Nope, the other way around.
无所谓  今晚我是欢脱唐 Doesn't matter. I'm fun Don tonight.
我爱欢脱唐 I love fun Don.
我见过这裙子 Where have I en this dress before?
利萨的 On Lisa.
我洗劫了她的衣柜 She let me raid her clot.
你应该永远穿着它 I think you should never take it off.
除了你不穿衣服时 Except when you take it off.
说到你的室友  我有个好主意 Now, speaking of your roommate, I had a great idea.
-给她那屋贴上隔音板  -撮合她和吉姆 - Soundproofing her bedroom? - Mmm, fixing her up with Jim.
开玩笑吧 Are you kidding?
我欠他个人情 I feel like I owe him one.
那你还拿利萨攻他 Then why would you unleash Lisa on him?
他们会合得来的 They'll get along.
她卖女装的 She works in a boutique.
-她来了  利萨  -别这样 - Here she is. Lisa. - Wait, don't.
这是有史以来最烂的牵线了 This is the worst fix-up ever.
又没让他娶她 I'm not talking about having him take a bride.
只是...  -让他有妞陪 - I'm - Getting him laid.
-让他能够炮迎新年  -炮迎新年 - starting off the new year with a bang. - ...with a bang. Yeah.
心有灵犀呀 You e what I did?
-你来了  -是啊 - You made it. - Yeah.
我身上是不是写着"除夕夜没有伴" Am I wearing a huge sign that says dateless on New Year's Eve?
没有  但这裙子传递着很强的信号 No, but that dress nds a message loud and clear.
我穿得很放荡吗 Do I look slutty?
-非常  -不会  唐 - Absolutely. - No. Don!
我是夸你 In the best way.
我没想放荡  我是... I wasn't going for slutty. I was
罗德·斯图尔特《If You Want My body》
  如果你想要我  压制不住欲火 ? ?If you want my body and you think I'm xy?
?  宝贝  你就快点告诉我 ? ?Come on, sugar, let me know.?
我是斯图尔特粉 I like Rod Stewart.
是啊  我给你介绍个小伙 Yeah. So, I've got a guy for you.
-不要  -在这儿吗 - No, you don't. - A guy here?
-对  -不对 - Yeah. - No.
跟我一样  除夕夜没有伴的衰人吗 Is it another lor that doesn't have a date on New Year's Eve?
-不是衰人  -是个大衰人 - He's not a lor. - Yes, he's a huge lor.
-怎么回事  -怎么回事 - What the hell is going on? - What the hell is going on?
她搞时装的  唐 She works in fashion, Don.
没有冒犯的意思 No offen, Lis.
我都不知道哪里冒犯我了 I don't even know what I'm suppod to be offended by.
我也能聊其它话题  不是只懂时装 But I can talk about other things. I don't have to talk about fashion.
-我相信你  -给我个话题 - I know you can. - Give me a topic.
希腊债务危机 What's happening with the Greek debt crisis?
希腊陷入危机 There's a huge crisis in Greece.
-欠了很多债  -瞧 -
They're in a lot of debt. - See?
你是认真的吗 Are you rious?
她比一般人知道的都多 That's more than most people know.
看到那边的小伙了吗 You e the guy over there?
那个表情憨乎乎的 The cute, sweet-looking puppy dog guy
可爱呆萌的小狗狗  -很可爱嘛 - with the stupid look on his face? - He is cute.
-他怎么还在工作  -他有活要忙 - Why is he working? - He has a job.
单凭这点  就强过你以往的对象了 So right there, he's a leg up on your usual diet.
他叫吉姆·哈珀  高级制片人 His name's Jim Harper. He's a nior producer.
他人很聪明 He's a bright guy.
不是那种幻想着靠网站发家致富的人 He's not the creative director for an imaginary Internet start-up.
-他还很孝顺  -我相信你 - He calls his mother. - I'm sure he's nice,
可我现在没有约会的心情 but I don't think I'm in the mood for a fix-up.
-为什么  -我才刚结束了一段感情 - Why not? - I don't know, I'm just coming off a relationship.
才谈了十天  我买的牛奶都还没过期 Of 10 days. I've bought milk before your relationship started
你们就已经分了 that was still good to drink after it ended.
哪有 I don't think so.
是真的  牛奶为证 No, it's true. I can show you the milk.
她不需要牵线  亲爱的 She doesn't need to be fixed up, honey.
我没说她需要牵线 I didn't say that she needed to be fixed up.
再过十分钟就到午夜了 It's 10 minutes before midnight.
没人想在午夜前十分钟被撮合 No guy wants to be fixed up 10 minutes before midnight.
再说我能看出来  我不是他的菜 Besides, I'm not his type. I can tell.
你是大众情人  邻家女孩  跟我来 You're everybody's type. You're the girl next door. Let's go.
邻着哪儿的家 Next door to what?
吉姆·奥尔森 Jimmy Oln.
这绰号看来是甩不掉了啊 That nickname's really gonna stick, huh?
经久不衰  我这是夸你 It has endured. It's a compliment.
吉姆·奥尔森很勤快呢 Jimmy Oln was a go-getter.
但严格来讲  他只是个拍照的 Yeah, but strictly speaking, he was a photojournalist.
而且  他在DC漫画中首次出场... In fact, when DC Comics
闭嘴  这是玛姬的室友利萨 Yeah, shut up. This is Maggie's roommate Lisa.
很高兴认识你 Oh, hey. It's nice to meet you.
-我也是  -她常提起你 - Nice to meet you, too. - I've heard a lot about you.
她也常...不怎么 I've heard a not a lot.
玛姬...提过你  一次 she's mentioned you once, I think.
利萨毕业于帕森设计学院 Lisa went to Parsons
现就职于格林威治村的一家高档女装店 and she works at a very high-end boutique in the Village.
不错啊 Nice.
不如你带利萨去天台走走 So why don't you take Lisa out onto the terrace

本文发布于:2023-07-15 15:41:15,感谢您对本站的认可!



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