Wiley Encyclopedia of Management (3rd edition)期刊名称: Reference Reviews
作者: Stuart Hannabuss英语学习经验
作者机构: Aberdeen名家行书书法
圈圈乐年份: 2016年三生三世之
期号: 第4期
怎么调理肠胃>赛跑游戏关键词: Encyclopedias; Management洋跃进
摘要:The best managers em to be able to not only focus on specifics and on the now but also step back and e the big picture: they are experts not only at the detail the operational process, the information systems, the team dynamics, the brand differentiation - but also at the strategic and global. The best managers are soundly grounded practitioners, pragmatic doers, yet also people who know the value of good rearch investment, can recognize the role of conceptual thinking, do not get fazed by numbers, e the future-proofing value of scenario planning and inspire their people with transforma
tive ideas -not merely manage.