Section 1: Quality Management System 质量管理体系 |
1. Quality Function, ISO standard & Responsibilities 质量机能,ISO标准&职责 |
2. Internal Audits Quality System and other Compliance 内部稽核质量体系和其他 |
3.Training for all Level of Organization 对组织各层次的训练 |
Section 2: Resource Management and Capacity Planning 资源管理和能力培训 |
4. New Product Introduction and Qualification Process 新产品介绍和承认过程 |
5. Capacity Planning 能力培训 |
6. Change Management Process, Product and Material 管理过程,产品和物料变更 |
7. Process Capability / Process Characterization 制程能力和制程关键特性 |
8. Product & Process Quality Metric Review 班主任寄语小学产品&过程的质量基准检讨 |
9. Customer and Field Performance Quality Data 客户和现场性能质量数据 |
10. Quality Data and Communication 质量数据和传达 |
Section 3: Production Process生产过程 |
11.Calibration System and Control校验系统和控制 |
12. Measurement System Analysis (Gauge R and R)量测系统分析 |
13. Control & Disposition of Non-conforming Material 不合格物料的控制和处理 |
14. Receiving Material Quality System and Procedure进料质量系统和控制 |
15. Work Instructions for Manufacturing Process 作业指导书和制造过程 |
16. Final Inspection and Acceptance Procedure 终检和允收程序 |
17. Packaging, Storage, Shipping, Material Handling and Bar Code Requirements 包装,储存,运输,物料搬运和Bar code要求 |
魔幻艺术 |
18. Houkeeping, POPI(protection of proprietary information 知识产权保护) and Preventive Maintenance Houkeeping,知识产权和预防性的保持Houkeeping |
19. Out of Control Actions for an Internal Defect for Mfg/Asmbly/Service Site制造/组装/服务地点内部缺陷失控的措施 |
Section 4: Sub-Tier Quality Control and Quality Improvements质量控制和质量改进 |
20. Sub-Tier Supplier Selection and Management供货商的选择和管理 悲酸 |
21. Sub-Tier Supplier Corrective and Preventative Action供货商的纠正和预防措施 |
22. Process Flow, FMEA, Control Plan and Statistical Tool 流程,FMEA,控制计划和统计工具 |
23. Statistical Methods / SPC on Box X Dimensions 统计方法/ box X 尺寸SPC |
24. Problem Solving Techniques 问题解决技术 |
25. Continuous Improvement and Mistake Proofing 持续改进和缺点预防 |
Customer | Refers to customer(s) of the organization being audited. (Lenovo or other customers) 供方的审核者 |
Organization | Refers to the company that is being audited.被审核的供方 |
Supplier | Refers to supplier(s) of the organization being audited.供方的供方 |
5S | 5S is the Japane concept for Hou Keeping. (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) |
A/I | Automated inrtion自动插入 |
Box X parameter | Critical characteristics.关键特性 |
DMAIC | A six sigma problem solving process utilizing the steps: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. 六西格玛解决问题过程利用步骤:定义、测量、分析、改善和控制。 |
DOE | Design of Experiments 实验设计 |
Drill Deep Drill Wide | A method ud along with 8D to identify root cau and implement permanent corrective actions across similar areas and/or process. 方法以及8 d识别根本原因并在类似地区执行永久纠正措施和/或流程。 |
ECN | 菊花决明子Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知 |
ESD | Electro Static Discharge静电释放 |
FMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis |
GR&R | Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility测量重复性和再现性 |
MSA | Measurement Systems Analysis |
PCN | 一面一面造句Process Change Notice制程变更通知 |
PPAP | Production Part Approval Process |
PSO | Process Sign-Off工艺认证 外墙马赛克PSO工作程序确保了供应商显示其满足PPAP要求的能力 |
SPC | Statistical Process Control |
SMT | Surface mount technology 表面安装技术 |
A/I | Automated inrtion |
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