南通市通州区佳晔肉鸡养殖专业合作社 | |||||
内部生物安全检查表Internal Audit Form for Biocurity | |||||
鸡场名Farm Name: | 检查人Auditor: | ||||
鸡舍号Hou# : | 检查日期Date: | ||||
序号 No. | 检查项目 Items | 项目明细Description | 三年孝满对联七字Yes | No | 纠正措施 Correction |
1 | 责任人 Responsible person | 责任人、执行人是否明确 The responsible person is designated? | |||
制度是否及时更新Policy was timely updated? | |||||
人员是否及时进行培训Timely training was conducted? | |||||
2 | 人员进出 Entrance control for people | 出入场是否登记批准 Procedure for Sign in&out | 郑单958 什么的话语 | ||
72小时规定72 H rule? | |||||
出入场是否符合程序 Procedure for entering and going out of the farm | |||||
出入鸡舍是否符合程序 Procedure for entering and going out of the hou | |||||
3 | 物品设备 Entrance control for materials | 进出场物品是否经过恰当的消毒 Right disinfection procedures are followed? | |||
物品设备进鸡舍前是否进行合适的消毒 Materials or equipments were disinfected properly before being move into the hou | |||||
生产区重复使用的物品是否易于清洗 All reusable stuff or equipments are easily to be cleaned. | |||||
鸡场是否有物品设备的清洗消毒记录 Record for the cleaning and disinfection are well kept | |||||
4 | 车辆进出 Entrance control for vehicles | 车辆进出是到指定地点消毒Designated place is ud to do vehicle disinfection | |||
车辆进出是否经过恰当的消毒 Right disinfection procedures are followed | |||||
车辆进出是否进行登记Procedure for sign in&out is followed | |||||
车辆驾驶人员是否遵守相关规定 Does the driver follow the biocurity rules | |||||
5 | 消毒 Disinfection | 消毒剂的使用是否正确 The right disinfectant was lected | |||
消毒药配比是否正确the concentration is correct | |||||
消毒是否有记录the record of disinfection is kept | |||||
消毒药的保存是否符合正确 The storage of disinfectant is correct | |||||
消毒液更换频率是否符合规定 The disinfectant solution is properly renewed. | |||||
6 | 防鸟 Birds proofing | 鸡舍是否能有效防鸟 Can birds proofing facility work well | |||
7 | 防鼠 Rodent control | 鸡舍是否密闭The hou is well aled | |||
鼠药是否按要求投放 Rodent control product is administered correctly | |||||
鸡舍内是否有老鼠活动 Are there traces showing rats activity inside the hou | |||||
鸡舍周围是否有老鼠活动 Are there traces showing rats activity outside the hou | |||||
8 | 害虫控制 Incts control | 害虫控制方案是否得到执行 Inct control program is in place | |||
害虫控制方案是否有效 Inct control program is effective | |||||
9 | 死鸡处理 Dead birds disposal | 病死鸡是否进行剖检,并进行了记录 The abnormal mortality was posted and recorded | |||
剖检是否在固定场所进行 Necropsy is conducted in fixed position | |||||
是否进行了有效的消毒处理 Proper disinfection is conducted during and after necropsy | |||||
死鸡运送是否符合要求 The moving of dead birds is right | |||||
死鸡处理方法是否符合要求 The disposal of dead birds is right | |||||
死鸡处理是否有记录 The record for dead birds disposal is kept | |||||
10 | 垫料处理 Handling of litter | 垫料进入鸡舍前是否经过恰当的消毒 New litter was disinfected before being moved into the hou | |||
脏垫料的运送是否符合要求 The moving of ud litter inside the farm is right. | 结社自由 | ||||
垫料的处理方法是否符合要求 The disposal of dirty litter is in accordance with local ordinace | |||||
11 | 场区环境卫生 Sanitation of Farm Environment | 杂草是否及时清除Weeds are moved? | |||
物品放置是否整洁有序 The materials are in good order. | |||||
杂物是否及时清理Rubbish is cleaned timely | |||||
场区是否定期消毒 Farm production area is disinfected periodicaly | |||||
12 | 鸡舍环境卫生 Sanitation of chicken house | 物品放置是否整洁有序All the stuff and goods are in good order | |||
杂物是否及时清理Debris are cleaned timely | |||||
鸡舍是否定期消毒Hous are disinfected periodically | |||||
13 | 鸡场生产相关记录 Production related record | 生产相关记录是否每日切实进行 Daily production record are conducted exactly | |||
14 | 种蛋消毒 Eggs disinfection | 种蛋消毒是否符合要求 The disinfection of eggs is in accordance with the requirement | |||
15 | 血清检测 Serological test | 是否如实按照血清检测方案执行 Serological program is followed exactly | |||
血清检测是否有记录 Serological record is well kept | 1958年属什么 | ||||
如果法律允许,混群的公鸡在混入其它鸡群前,需要通过血清学检测,证实禽流感(AI)阴性。If it is permitted by law, the male breeder need to be tested for AI before moving to the hen hou | |||||
如果法律允许,每批鸡或每栋鸡舍在屠宰前至少要在11只鸡上采样,应用血清学或病毒学方法在公司批准的实验室,来进行禽流感(AI)的检测。If it is permitted by the law,at least 11 broilers need to be tested for AI | |||||
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