Cardiovascular effects of chronic and acute whey
protein ingestion
期刊名称: British Journal of Nutrition
作者: Ballard Kevin D.
年份: 2011年
期号: 第10期
燃烧热的测定>腊牛肉的做法关键词: Nociceptin/orphanin FQ;Dark Agouti rats;Wistar Ottawa Karlsburg W rats;Cocaine-amphetamine regulated transcript peptide;Congenic rats
求婚祝福摘要:The effect of propranolol (5 mg/kg intraperitoneally) was investigated on the extinction of: (i) lever-pressing reinforced on a random interval (RI 64 s) schedule; and (ii) continuously reinforced running (1 min intertrial interval). Although there was evidence of an initial effect in each ca to facilitat银行柜员年度总结
e responding (incread rate of lever-pressing or speed of running), the opposite effect emerged as extinction continued; that is, propranolol promoted extinction. The results are inconsistent with the author's hypothesis, suggested by earlier studies, that acute administration of propranolol antagonizes the inhibitory effects of non- reward on behaviour.