摘抄:Homo sapiens long preferred to view itlf as t apart from animals, an orphan bereft of family, lacking siblings or cousins, and most importantly, without parents. But that’s just not the ca. Like it or not, we are members of a large and particularly noisy family called the great apes.
Most people do not wish to accept that the order governing their lives is imaginary, but in fact every person is born into a pre-existing imagined order, and his or her desires are shaped from birth by its dominant myths.
文娱部While war became less protable, peace became more lucrative than ever.
匀净感悟:《A Brief History of Humankind》, a book that covers the millions of years of human history from animals to God. It divides the evolutionary history of humanity from the Stone Age to the 21st century into four stages: cognitive revolution: we have become smarter, we can u fire and tools, and a unique language appears; agricultural revolution: We have grown grain and raid poultry. Knowing the division of labor and cooperation of the team, the officers and men are responsible for protecting the home and the country, and the farmers are responsible for plowing the fields, so that productivity is improved and there is a surplus in material survival. ; The integration and unity of human
beings: Homo sapiens has gradually moved towards integration and unity in politics and economy in th
e cour of history; Scientific Revolution: Humans recognize ignorance and hope to remedy their ignorance, through scientific rearch centered on obrvation and mathematics. Gain new abilities.
鼓浪屿好玩吗The author propos that the agricultural revolution is'the biggest scam in history'. He believes that it is not humans who domesticated wheat, but wheat domesticated humans, which drives humans to work hard and makes themlves spread all over the world. Becau of the need for agricultural production, humans had to ttle in a certain place, and then they had private property. When disaster stroke, they were reluctant to run away becau they were unwilling to give up what they had, or they were too late to run away in that they wanted to take all their chattels with them.'Once you've shot the arrow, there's no getting it back '. 'The modern people who yearn for bucolic life do not really want to go back to the pastoral era, and it is also impossible for Homo sapiens who have already lived a stable farming life to go hunting. If we u mountaineering to describe it, we are not actively pursuing progress to some extent, but we are afraid of falling.
信念永恒From the cognitive revolution to the agricultural revolution to the11月4日是什么星座
integration and unification of human beings and finally to the scientific revolution, every process is accelerating. Mankind has also changed from running freely to working for the land. Mankind has shr
财务管理专业简历unk the scope of their activity space to a very small extent. Of cour, it is undeniable that in the past two centuries, human science and technology has made a qualitative and rapid leap forward development, and mankind also enjoys the bonus and pleasure brought by the progress of technology. But on the other hand, mankind is the perpetrators of atrocious crimes. Homo sapiens have made unprecedented achievements, but the price is to lo the lives of almost all other animals. When we enjoy scientific achievements and delicious food, we didn't think that we were sacrificing the lives of lab rats, dairy cows on farms, chickens on conveyor belts, pigs on livestock farm ...What's more, mankind doesn't really realize that and they are still expanding wildly. Will mankind eventually perish?If just from the current situation and the level of science and technology, it is really possible that mankind will perish eventually.Nevertheless, perhaps mankind can create more advanced technologies and colonize other planets. Desire can bring development, but too much desire may hurt ourlves .
Nothing is taken for granted. Now we can communicate with
others without any obstacles, enjoy delicious food, enjoy the happiness of intercommunication, and enjoy all kinds of benefits brought to us by scientific developments. The are not all taken for granted. They are the result of our ancestors' great efforts in the process from the agricultural revolut
野山菌ion to the scientific revolution. We should cherish our life and thank our ancestors for their efforts.At the same time, we should also examine ourlves and our society. Are we too dependent on the products of the scientific revolution?Should we develop our Homo sapiens society at the expen of the environment and the lives of other animals? This is a grand history of human development. It makes me feel a lot. The development of the whole human being is full of variables. Why do we indulge in worrying too much about the gains and loss that happened in the past and the prent? It's better to let go of gains and loss, look forward to the future, accept the sorrows and joys of partings and meetings, and accept our true colours .