A Drink in the Passage
-Alan Paton
1 In the year 1960 the Union of South Africa celebrated its Golden Jubilee, and there was a nationwide nsation when the one-thousand-pound prize for the finest piece of sculpture was won by a black man, Edward Simelane. His work, African Mother and Child, not only excited the admiration, but touched the conscience or heart or whatever it was that responded, of white South Africa, and emed likely to make him famous in other countries.
2 It was by an oversight that his work was accepted, for it was the policy of the government that all the celebrations and competitions should be strictly gregated. The committee of the sculpture ction received a private reprimand for having been so careless as toomit the words "for whites only" from the conditions, but was told, by a very high personage, it is said, that if Simelane's work "was indisputably the best", it should receive the award. The committee then decided that this prize must be given along with the others, at the public ceremony which would bring the particular part of the celebrations to a clo.
3 For this decision it received a surprising amount of support from the white public; but in certain powerful quarters, there was an outcry against any departure from the "traditional policies" of the country, and a threat that many white prize-winners would renounce their prizes. However, a crisis was averted, becau the sculptor was “unfortunately unable to attend the ceremony”.
磨圆度4 "I wasn't feeling up to it,“ Simelane said mischievously to me."My parents, and my wife's parents, and our priest, decided that I wasn't feeling up to it. And finally I decided so too. Of cour Majosi and Sola and the others wanted me to go and get my prize personally, but I said, ‘boys, I'm a sculptor, not a demonstrator.’”
5"This cognac is wonderful," he said,"especially in the big glass. It's the first time I've had such a glass. It's also the first time I've
drunk a brandy so slowly. In Orlando you develop a throat of iron, and you just put back y
our head and put it down, in ca the policy should arrive."
6 He said to me, "This is the cond cognac I've had in my life. Would you like to hear the story of how I had my first?"
7 You know the Alabaster Bookshop in Von Brandi Street? Well, after the competition they asked me if they could exhibit my African Mother and Child. They gave a whole window to it, with a white velvet backdrop, if there is anything called white velvet, and some complimentary words.
8 Well somehow I could never go and look in that window. On my way from the station to the Herald office, I sometimes went past there, and I felt good when I saw all the people standing there; but I would only squint at it out of the corner of my eye.
9 Then one night I was working late at the Herald, and when I came out there was hardly anyone in the streets, so I thought I'd go and e the window, and indulge certain pleasurable human feelings. I must have got a little lost in the contemplation of my own genius, becau suddenly there was a young white man standing next to me.
10 He said to me, "What do you think of that, mate?"And you know, one doesn't get called "mate" every day.
11 "I'm looking at it," I said.
12 "I come and look at it nearly every night," he said."You know it's by one of your own boys, don't you?"
13 "Yea, I know."
手机不读卡14 "It's beautiful," he said. "Look at that mother's head. She's loving that child, but she's somehow watching too. Like someone guarding. She knows it won't be an easy life."