酒醉酒醒My View on Online
Nowadays,the Internet have improved the efficiency and quality of learning for students in china. Every coin has two sides.
First of all,it is very convenient to u.You can u your cell phone to arch for questions you don't know.In addition,there are a lot of information and learning resources you need on the Internet.It would be wi to look for cours you don't quite understand online.Besides,online learning is free and can be learned anytime,anywhere.Last but not least,online learning cour have playback,can be en many times,it is easier for students to remember.安全带扣分
怡红院宜春院 However,the influence of the network on students' learning is also bad.If you are not a lf-disciplined,studious person, the impact of the Internet on you is bad.
温莎古堡太多的英文 As far as I'm concerned,I acknowledge that Internet is beneficial but also dangerous.Therefore, we should balance life's competing interests-in a student's ca,study, health and safety.