Renju is a very old two-player board game with subtle tactics and strategies. It comes from Japan and is a professional variant of Go-Moku. In many countries, such as China, Estonia, Japan, Latvia, Russia, and Sweden, Renju is played on a high level of performance.
Compared to Renju, the game of Go-Moku, mainly played in China and Japan, has rather
simple rules. Go-Moku was solved by Allis in 1992. He proved that it is a won game for the player to move first. In this note we claim that Renju is a first-player win too. We describe
our rearch approach and how we arrived at this game-theoretical value.
In 1992 Allis solved the game of Go-Moku by means of the computer program VICTORIA (Allis, Van den Herik, and Huntjes, 1993; Allis, 1994). The main techniques applied were proof-number arch (Allis, Van der Meulen, and Van den Herik, 1994) and threat-space arch (Allis, Van den Herik, and Huntjes, 1995). Since the advantage for the first player was well-known (Sakata and Ikawa, 1981), many variants of Go-Moku were developed so as to reduce the advantage of the first player, attempting to create a balanced game. Already around 1900 Japane professional players improved t
he simple rules of Go-Moku by introducing that the first player (Black) is prohibited from making a double three, a double four, and an overline.After that the Renju board was diminished from 1919 (Go board size) to 1515 when it was discovered that the larger board size increas Black!s advantage. The improvements were to restrict Black!s moves so as to offt his initial advantage. In 1936 ¤ when the Japane Federation of Renju was founded ¤ the rules of Renju were fully accomplished. Professional players believed that the new rules would result in a more evenly-balanced game.
When the Renju players became stronger they found that the above-mentioned advanced new rules still gave great advantage to Black. Some Japane players even showed a black victory in two frequently-played opening patterns (cf. Sakata and Ikawa, 1981), but their solution was incomplete becau some good white moves were not analyd and later on even mistakes were found in it. In the Sakata!s book ¤ Figures 31 and 32 facing page 77 ¤ japane authors suggested an strong 15 th move (A, e Figure 1). After move A, if the White’s reply was move B (16 th move), the Black victory will be become very complicated, but not fully analyd by pro players. White’s defence move C (16 th move) is not mentioned in this book, after this Whi te’s respon we were not able to find the Black victory in some weeks. So move A was rejected (and considered to be not good move) and
we cho another 15 move (D), which turn out a success. Another problem was, that there are 35 distinct cond white moves possible, but only two main variations (adjacent to Black!s first move) were exhaustively analyd in that book. In Japan professional Renju players continued to study Renju in detail. Sakata and Ikawa (1981) published their analysis in 32 pages. We have exploited the analysis for our work and found other mistakes and lacunae (e also Allis, 1994). Nevertheless, the Japane prediction is now confirmed, extended and corrected by our computer program which established Renju!s game-theoretical value. Our project was to carry out a complete proof about the game of Renju by a computer program and to create a databa of the solved game tree.
In 1988, the Renju International Federation was created. At the same time, to equali the chances of the players at the official tournaments new opening-rules regulations were adopted. The official Renju rules and the new opening regulations are described in Section 2. However, this article focus on establishing the game-theoretical value of Renju without the new opening-rules regulations. The game we deal with is called freeRenju, it is a quite aggressive game in which almost every black move is a threat. The remainder of this note is structured as follows. After the description of the rules in Section 2, Section 3 provides a list of terms and gives their definitions. In Section 4 we explain our experimental approach and provide empirical evidence for our claim. In Se
ction 5 some technical details on a checking program are given and in Section 6 results are prented. Section 7 contains our conclusions.
Figure 1
烧羊排的家常做法The game of Renju is a professional variant of Go-Moku. The rules of Renju, although more complex than tho of Go-Moku, are still rather simple (Sakata and Ikawa, 1981). The game is played on a bo
ard with 1515 points of interctions. Vertical lines are lettered from ’a’ to ’o’, and the horizontal lines are numbered from 1 to 15. The left bottom position on the board is a1. Two players, Black and White, place alternately a stone of their own colour on an empty interction. Black starts the game and must place a black stone on the centre interction (h8). The first player completing an unbroken line of five stones (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) wins the game. In Renju Black has some restrictions with respect to Go-Moku, e.g, some moves are considered to be prohibited for Black. If Black makes a prohibited move either accidentally or by being forced to, White wins the game. The prohibited moves for Black are: overline, double-four, double-three(for definitions, e Section 3). White does not have prohibited moves, so White may make an overline and wins the game. If none of the players succeeds in completing a five-in-a-row, and Black did not make a prohibited move and the board is full of stones, the game
is considered to be drawn.
The above-mentioned rules are known as the free Renju rules. In an attempt to make the game more evenly-balanced for a fair competition in official tournaments, the following eight opening-rules restrictions have been impod on Black (i.e., the professional Renju Rules).
a. Players start the game as tentative Black and tentative White. Tentative Black plays the first move on the centre interction.
b. Tentative White makes the cond move diagonally, horizontally or vertically to the first move and adjacent to the first move (i.e., two different openings).
c. Tentative Black plays the third move on an empty place within a zone of 55 interctions in the centre of the board (26 opening patterns).
d. Tentative White has the right to change the colour of the stones (swap option).
e. The player, who now has the white stones, plays the fourth move wherever (s)he wants.
f. Black has to offer the opponent two possible asymmetrical fifth moves.
g. White choos one of the fifth moves which will be more advantageous to him/herlf and tells Black to make the moves (s)he prefers.
h. There are no restrictions on the sixth and later moves.慈母情深教学设计
Below we provide a list of the terms together with their definitions.
Overline: Six or more stones of the same colour in an unbroken row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Five: Exact five stones of the same colour arranged in an unbroken row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Straight four: Four stones of the same colour in an unbroken row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) with both ends open. A straight four ensures a win.
Four: Four stones of one colour in a row, which in one move can become a five.
Three: Three stones of the same colour in an unbroken row, or with one-interction gap between the stones that can become a straight four on the next move.
鲜藕炖排骨Double-Four: A single move, which builds simultaneously more than one four at one time. Double-Three: A single move, which builds simultaneously more than one three at one time. Four-three: A four and a three produced simultaneously with a single move. It is the usual way for Black to create a winning formation.
VCF: This acronym means: Victory by Concutive Fours. A win that results from making fours one after another.老舍有什么称号
VCT: This acronym means: Victory by Concutive Threats. A win that results from making threats (four or three) one after another.
教训英文Japane terms:
Fukumi: A move which threatens to win by VCF. Who played the fukumi move has a VCF if the opponent does not defend against this move.
Yobi: A positional offensive move, which threatens to win by VCT. A yobi move is not a direct forced method of attack
Playing A leads to an overline.
Playing B leads to a double-four.
Playing C leads to a double-three.
红楼梦读后感Playing D leads to a straight four.
Playing E leads to a four-three.
Figure 2
The solving program was written in Borland Pascal language. The program goal was to establish the game-theoretical value. The program generated a winning tree for Black and stored the tree in a databa. The arch process ud transposition tables to avoid arching symmetrical positions. Moreover, the solving program ud the threat-quence arch as suggested by Allis et al. (1993). There was only a very limited possibility to play no-threat moves, the first black moves after a bad opining by White (such as moves far away from the board centre). If a white defending move in such a variation also was a threat then Black countered it and did not lo a tempo in the end. The program operated an iterative-deepening arch bad on threat quences up to 17 plies. The speed of the threat-quence arch was 400 nodes/cond on a Pentium 200 MHz machine. The deepest variations of the iterative-deepening arch (17 plies) took about 15 minutes, then a VCF line was found.
It was not possible to speed up the threat-quence arch (cf. Allis, 1994) since by the overline, do
uble-four and double-three rule the order of moves became more complex. In the solving program we had implemented an automatic databa builder, but all openings, fukumi, yobi, and positional moves were inputted by the hand of a human expert. In the past, the human expert assistance has been ud in game solving (O. Patashnik, 1980). In total, human players produced approximately 5000 positional moves. The threat-quence arch module built all black threat quences up to a given depth and investigated whether the position is a win for Black against every possible defence by White. After a positional black move, another module examined how Black can win if White pass. If a winning line exists then this module stores the moves of the quences and in the next step the solving program will u the moves as white answers. All moves of the game tree were stored in the databa with the exception of the last 10 plies, since 10 or fewer plies of winning quences can be found quickly by the threat-quence arch
engine. Generating the whole game tree took about 3000 hours on a Pentium 200 MHz PC.
After the generation of the whole game tree, the cond stage of the project was checking the databa. To making sure of generated databa, there is necessary to develop a checking program,
which plays backwards all possible white moves and then communicates with the solving program on the forward white moves (meanwhile inspecting the databa). When a not-analyd white move was encountered, the solving program first took the black answer most frequently-played in that stage of the game tree. This approach gave many typical first omissions. In the checking loop, we stored white wins, black prohibited answers, and non-proved positions. The checking file contained approximately 2000 previously missing positions, which were corrected in the next proof run. The proof runs and the correction of positions were repeated veral times even when the checking log did no longer contain any lacking positions. The programming of the checking program was performed by the cond author in Borland Pascal programming language. This part of the solving took about 6000 hours on a Pentium 200 MHz machine.
We verified and expanded the statement of Japane Renju experts that the game of free Renju is a theoretical win for the first player to move. The game was solved after 9000 hours of using a Pentium 200 MHz. The size of the overall databa is 7 Megabyte. After the final databa creation, the databa was checked once more and accepted as correct by a checking program written by an independent programmer. In the last checking run, no missing variations were found by the checking
program. In conclusion, free Renju should be considered a solved game. The result is that the game is a first-player win.
Finally, we have good reason to believe that after building a good opening book, say of 5000 moves, there’s no middle game ,provide that an appropriate endgame-analysing routine is available.