⽣信笔记:E 值究竟是什么
苹果手机分期是两个修正参数,与数据库和算法有关,⽤来平衡不同打分矩阵和搜索空间对搜索结果的影响(The parameters K and λreprent natural scales for the arch space and the scoring system respectively.)
The Expect value (E) is a parameter that describes the number of hits one can “expect” to e by chance when arching a databa of a particular size. It decreas exponentially as the Score (S) of the match increas.
租赁工业厂房如何炒花生米Esntially, the E value describes the random background noi. For example, an E value of 1 assigned to a hit can be interpreted as meaning that in a databa of the current size one might expect to e 1 match with a similar score simply by chance.
期望值(E)是⼀个参数,它描述在搜索特定⼤⼩的数据库时偶然可以“期望”看到的hit数量。 随着分数(S)的增加,它呈指数下降。 本质上,E值描述了随机背景噪声。 例如,某个hit的E值为1可以解释为:在当前⼤⼩的数据库中,在随机的情况下,偶然出现的匹配结果数为1。E =kmne −λS
k ,λm n S