Pharmaceutical Package Integrity
Technical Report No. 27
April 1998
1. Preface 前言
This report reviews issues of pharmaceutical product package integrity and provides guidance for evaluating the barrier qualities of a pharmaceutical package. It superdes the previously issued "PDA Technical Information Bulletin No. 4, Aspects of Container/Closure I
ntegrity." In this updated guideline, the term "product package" is ud, rather than the term "container/closure system," as it encompass any nonporous barrier system that protects a pharmaceutical product from the environment. Similarly, the term "package al" is ud generically to mean all types of als or closure systems. Although it is written to reflect the complexity of all pharmaceutical products and packages, the emphasis throughout the document is clearly on packaging intended for sterile products.
This report was written by the following members of the PDA Task Force on Container/Closure Integrity:
Michael C. Carroll, The Liposome Company, Inc.
Vivian F. Denny, Peak to Peak Pharmaceutical Associates
Dana M. Guazzo, Ph.D., The R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Rearch Institute
Mark W. Kair, Lancaster Laboratories
Lee E. Kirsch, Ph.D., The University of Iowa
John D. Ludwig, Ph.D., G. D. Searle and Company
Gerald K. Masover, Genentech, Inc.
Jeri L. May, DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Co.
Jeanne E. Moldenhauer, Ph.D., Fujisawa USA, Inc.
Jean I. Oln, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Terri M. Poison, Glaxo Wellcome Inc.
Glenn E. Wright, Eli Lilly & Co.
In addition, the Task Force acknowledges the immen help and support of Michael S. Korczynski, Ph.D. and Rusll E. Madn of PDA. Their editorial assistance and their insight into many of the key issues of package integrity were invaluable contributions to this effort.
壮观的意思另外,特别工作组感谢PDA成员Michael S. Korczynski, Ph.D. 和Rusll E. Madn的很大帮助。他们的编辑辅助和他们对包装完整性很多关键关键观点的洞察,对该成就作了非常大的贡献。
This document should be considered as a guide; it is not intended to establish any mandatory or implied standard.
2. Introduction 介绍
Product quality can be defined in terms of the ability of a product to perform its desired functions despite the stress to which it has been expod before and during its intended u. Pharmaceutical container systems may have a variety of functions including facilitation of product u, prevention of improper u, light protection, containment of the product, maintenance of a microbial barrier, and maintenance of a rarefied product environment. Assurance of package integrity is primarily concerned with product containment and the maintenance of an effective barrier against ingress of microorganisms or potentially reactive gas such as oxygen or water vapor, and sometimes, the maintenance of a vacuum. The information provided in this guideline is intended to assist urs in developing integrity asssment strategies for u during the phas of product life.
3. Integrity Assurance Through Product Development And Product Life
Product package integrity asssment begins during a product's development pha and continues throughout its life cycle, encompassing routine manufacturing and shelf-life stability asssments.
The phas of a product's life cycle include: 产品的生命周期阶段包括:
3.1 Package design, process development, and durability asssment
3.2 In-process control
3.3 Product testing
这片草原Further reconfirmation of product package integrity should occur when there are major changes in the package system that may affect its integrity, including package design, package materials, and/or when changes occur in the manufacturing processing conditions, including sterilization.
语文反思 The following subctions contain information on the critical factors for asssing a product's package integrity over its life cycle.
During the package design/process development pha, a thorough knowledge and understanding of the package al is critical for designing an appropriate package system. Subction 3.1 describes the nature of the requirements, including a knowledge of the al location, the aling mechanism, and the critical factors of design, asmbly, and processing that may impact al quality. The importance of testing the package and processing parameters at extremes is stresd to ensure that the package will be able to withstand the rigors of processing, distribution, and usage.