Origins of the Megaliths
Since the days of the earliest antiquarians, scholars have been puzzled by
the many Neolithic (~4000 B.C.~2200 B.C.) communal tombs known as megaliths
along Europe's Atlantic aboard. Although considerable variations are found in
the architectural form of the impressive monuments, there is a general
overriding similarity in design and, particularly, in the u of massive
小火球 The construction of such large and architecturally complex tombs by
European barbarians struck early prehistorians as unlikely. The Bronze Age
afaring civilizations that lived in the region of the Aegean Sea (~ 3000 B.C.
表格怎么设置行高 ~ 1000 B.C.), among whom collective burial and a diversity of stone-built tombs
were known, emed a probable source of inspiration. It was suggested that
Aegean people had visited Iberia in southwestern Europe in arch of metal ores
百年之好 and had introduced the idea of collective burial in massive tombs, which then
spread northward to Brittany, Britain, North Germany, and Scandinavia.
Radiocarbon dates for a fortified ttlement of megalith builders at Los
Millares in Spain appeared to confirm this picture, though dates for megaliths
工作压力大怎么办 in Brittany emed too early. When calibrated, however, it became clear that
儿童诗赏析 radiocarbon dates were universally too early to support a Bronze Age Aegean
origin. It is now clear that the megaliths are a western and northern European
invention, not an introduced idea. Even so, they are still a subject of
speculation and inquiry. What induced their builders to invest massive efforts
in erecting such monumental tombs How was the necessary labor force asmbled