
更新时间:2023-07-14 11:00:05 阅读: 评论:0

Chapter 1
1)游牧部落nomadic tribesmen 疆域territory抑商limit commerce
封建主经济suzerain /landlord / owner-peasant economy
2)宗法制的patriarchal 炎黄子孙the descendants of Yandi and Huangdi
礼仪之邦the land of ceremony and propriety
大一统观念the notion of great national unity
3)和谐平衡harmony and equilibrium 天人合一oneness of man and nature 中庸the golden mean
内圣外王the supreme morality at once internalized as cultivation and externalized as governance
齐家治国平天下keep your family in order, govern the state effectively and bring peace to the world
4)汉代经学Imperial Confucianism in the Han Dynasty 禅宗思想Chan Buddhism 玄学Xuan Xue/Taoist Metaphysics 无为而治to govern by doing nothing
佛学Buddhism 超越平凡detach from reality
Chapter 2
1)四面楚歌Xiang Yu Heard the Folk Songs of the Chu State on All Sides
毛遂自荐Rcommend Onelf for a Position as Mao Sui Did
卧薪尝胆Gou Jian Slept Firewood and Tasted Gall to Avenge a National Humiliation
2)开天辟地The Creation of the Earth
八仙过海When the Eught Genii Crosd the Sea,Each of Them Displayed His /Her Prowess
嫦娥奔月Chang E Flew to the Moon
3)画蛇添足To Draw Snake and Add Feet to It——To Ruin the Effect by Superfluous Work
南辕北辙To Go South by Driving the Chariot Northward——To Act in a Way Defeats One’s Purpo
鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利When the Snipe and the Clam Grappled,It Was the Fisherman Who Stood to Benefit
4)守株待兔To Stand by a Trunk Waiting for More Hares to Dash Themlves Against It——Wait for a Windfall
东施效颦Dong Shi,an Ugly Woman,Knitting Her Brows in Limitation of the Famous Beauty Xi Shi,Only to Make Herlf All the Uglier
牛郎织女The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver
梁山伯与祝英台Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai(The Butterfly Lovers:Leon and Jo) Chapte
r 3
万圣节南瓜图片1)清静无为quiet and inaction
道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物The Three begets all things of the world. 2)仁、礼on humanity、on rite
仁政、性善benevolent government、human nature is originally good
3)离骚Li Sao 诗仙Poet Immoral 飘逸豪放bold and unconstrained 诗圣Poet Sage 缘事由发spontaneity over reality
4)《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions 《女神》The Goddess 《子夜》Midnight 《骆驼祥子》Camel Xiangzi 《围城》Fortress Besieged
Chapter 4
1)《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms《水浒传》Water Margin 《西游记》Journey to the West《儒林外史》The Scholars 《围城》Fortress Besieged
2)《短歌行》A Brief Cantus 《孔雀东南飞》the Peacock Flies to the Southeast 《春江花月夜》Flowers and Moonlight on the Spring River 《木兰诗》The Song of Mulan 《阿Q正传》The True Story of Ah Q
Chapter 5
《The Four Books and Five Classics》(《The Great Learning》, 《The Doctrine of the Mean》, 《The Analects of Confucius》,《The Book of Master Meng》, 《The Book of Poety》,《The Book of History》,《The Book of Rites》, 《The Book of Changes》, 《The Spring and Autumn Annals》)哈尔滨的雪
2)脸谱facial makeup花脸the painted face 《打渔杀家》Revolt of the Fishing Folks 《霸王别姬》Farewell to My Concubine 《宝莲灯》The Lotus Lamp
壁画fresco人物画figure painting山水画landscape painting 书法calligraphy 篆隶the Seal C
haracter and the Official Script 楷书the Regular Script草书the Cursive Script(行书) the Running Script
3)文房四宝The Four Treasures of the Study对联Duilian/ Chine Couplets
Chapter 6
1)民间工艺folk art 木版年画Block-printed Chine New Year Pictures
双重智慧线刺绣embroidery陶瓷ceramics 泥塑clay and dough figure modelling复工令
2)舞龙(耍龙灯)dragon lantern dance 踩旱船boating dance
赛龙舟the dragon-boat race 拔河tug-of-war
Chapter 7
1)烹饪culinary arts 茶馆teahou 佐料asoning
记忆大师王峰2)礼仪之邦a state of ceremonies 博大精深extensive and profound
茉莉花茶jasmine tea
Chapter 8
1)亚热带subtropics暖温带warm temperate zones 世界遗产名录Worls Heritage List
2)文物古迹cultural relics and historic sites 风景名胜scenic spot 冰雪皑皑snowcapped 高原plateau(highland) 湍流雄关onflow overfall and impregnable pass五岳the Five Mountains
3)封禅祭祀offer sacrifices to heaven 佛教道场Buddhist temples 天池Heavenly Lake 湖光山色a landscape of lakes and mountains碧波万顷a boundless expan of blue water
Chapter 9
1)宫殿palace 陵墓mausoleum坛庙altar 祠堂ancestral temple
会馆asmbly hall
2)佛寺Buddhist temple 石窟stone cave 塔pagoda道教宫观Taoist Achitecture
3)楼阁storied building and storied pavilion 亭廊阙榭kiosk,corridor,watchtower,and pavilion on a terrace 园林gardening

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