Opportunities Open in the West
The first great rush of population to the far west was drawn to the mountainous regions,where gold was found in California in 1848,in Colorado and Nevada ten years later,in Montana and Wyoming in the l860s,and in the Black Hills of the Dakota country in the l870s.Miners opened up the country,established communities and laid the foundations for more permanent ttlements. Yet even while digging in the hills,some ttlers perceived the region’s farming and stock—raising possibilities. Eventually数学面积公式,though a few communities continued to be devoted almost exclusively to minimal,the real wealth of Montana,Colorado,Wyoming,Idaho,and California proved to be in the grass and soil.
口叫Cattle-raising,long an important industry in Texas,became even more flourishing after the war,when enterprising men began to drive their Texas longhorns north across the open public domain. Feeding as they went,the cattle arrived at railway shipping points in Kansas,larger and fatter than when they started. Soon this “long drive”became a regular event,and,大学生怎么找工作for hundreds of kilometers,trails were dotted with herds of cattle moving northward. Cattle—raising spread into the trans-Missouri region,and immen ranches ap
peared in Colorado,Wyoming,Kansas,Nebraska,and the Dakota territory. Western cities flourished as centers for the slaughter and dressing of meat.
Altogether,between l866 and l888,some six million head of cattle were driven up from Texas to winters on the high plains of Colorado,Wyoming,and Montana. The cattle boom reached its height by l885户外鞋,then the range became too heavily pastured to support the long drive,and was beginning to be criss-crosd by railroads. Not far behind the rancher creaked the prairie schooners of the farmers bringing their families,their draft hors,cows,and pigs. Under the Homestead Act they staked their claimsl3 and fenced them with barbed wire. Ranchmen were ousted from lands they had roamed without legal title. Soon the romantic “wild west” had cead to be.
在l866年到l888年期间,共有大约600万头牛被驱赶至得克萨斯、怀俄明、科罗拉多和蒙大拿等州的高原上过冬。养牛业的繁荣在l885年达到顶峰,当时的草原已不足以供养数量众多长途迁徙的牛群,纵横交错的铁路也开始出现。在牧牛人不远的身后,农民用嘎吱作响的大篷车带来了他们的家庭,和拉车的马匹、奶牛和猪。根据 “定居法案”,他们圈定了自