Phong Nha Criteria: A1, A2 & A3
General Description
The IBA compris the Phong Nha ctor of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, which, prior to 2001, was designated as Phong Nha Nature Rerve. The IBA is situated within the largest area of contiguous limestone f orest in Indochina, which also includes Hin Namno National Biodiversity Conrvation Area in Laos, and the Ke Bang limestone area in Vietnam. The IBA has a limestone karst topography, as a result of which human encroachment into the site has been limited. Conquently, the limestone karst is almost entirely f orested, apart f rom steep clif f f aces. At the f oot of the limestone k
arst, the natural vegetation is lowland evergreen f orest, although some areas have been cleared f or cultivation. There are a number of major cave systems at Phong Nha, and the site attracts large numbers of domestic tourists every year. Phong Nha is one of the most important sites in Vietnam f or the conrvation of globally threatened primate species, including at least one taxon endemic to limestone karst areas in central Indochina: Hatinh Langur Trachypithecus francoisi hatinhensis1. In addition, the IBA supports an all-black langur, the preci taxonomic af f inities of which are currently undetermined1. To the north-west, Phong Nha IBA is contiguous with Ke Bang IBA.
Bird Fauna: Key Features
Phong Nha IBA is situated within the Anname Lowlands Endemic Bird Area (EBA), and supports at least two of the nine restricted-range species that def ine this EBA. Notably, the IBA is one of only two sites in Vietnam known to support Sooty Babbler Stachyris herbeti, a species that went unrecorded f or over 70 years between its discovery in Laos around 1920 and its rediscovery at Phong Nha in 19942. In addition to Sooty Babbler, Phong Nha IBA supports a population of a f orm of leaf warbler that is endemic to limestone karst areas in central Indochina. This f orm, which rembles Sulphur-breasted Warbler Phylloscopus ricketti in external appearance but dif f ers in terms of vocalisations, may reprent an undescribed species3.
Species IBA
Criteria Global
Crested Argus Rheinardia ocellata A1, A2 VU 15 One bird was heard in November 1994 and one or two birds
were heard in June 19964.
Chestnut-necklaced Partridge
Arborophila charltonii
A1 NT7 A pair was heard duetting in November 19944.
Siame Fireback
Lophura diardi
A1, A3 NT13 T he species was recorded between June and July 19942.
Red-collared W oodpecker Picus rabieri A1, A3 NT11 T he species was recorded between June and July 19942. A
family group of four was en in June 1996 and two birds
were obrved in December 19964.
Great Hornbill
Buceros bicornis
A1 NT13 T he species was recorded between June and July 19942.
Brown Hornbill Anorrhinus tickelli A1, A3 NT16 T he species was recorded between June and July 19942.
T hree birds were obrved and up to eight were heard in
June 19964.
[Short-tailed Scimitar Babbler Jabouilleia danjoui] A1, A2 NT18 Although the species has not yet been recorded at the IBA,
it was recorded in the neighbouring Rao Bong watershed
between June and July 19942. W hile it is likely to occur at
the IBA, this is currently unconfirmed.
Directory of Important Bird Areas in Vietnam139
Directory of Important Bird Areas in Vietnam
140 Species IBA Criteria Global Threat Status
Other IBA s
Sooty Babbler Stachyris herbeti
A1, A2 NT 1 After a gap of over 70 years since the species's discovery, it
was rediscovered at Phong Nha between June and July 19942. During two subquent visits, f our small f locks were en in November 1995 and veral flocks, one of which numbered more than 20 birds, were obrved in June 19964.
Biome Restricted Species: The site qualif ies under criterion A3 becau it supports 14 species restricted to the Indochine Tropical Moist Forests (Biome 09). See Appendix 4 f or details.
Secondary Criteria
Status Species Status
Northern Slow Loris Nyticebus bengalensis 5
DD Hatinh Langur Pygmy Loris Nyticebus pygmaeus 5 VU Trachypithecus francoisi hatinhensis 5,6 EN Northern Pigtail Macaque Macaca leonina 5 VU Red-shanked Douc Pygathrix nemaeus nemaeus 5 EN Assame Macaque Macaca assamensis 5 VU Buff-cheeked Gibbon Nomascus gabriellae 5 VU
Rhesus Macaque Macaca mulatta 5
NT *[Gaur Bos gaurus ]5 VU
Stump-tailed Macaque Macaca arctoides 5 VU Southern Serow Naemorhedus sumatraensis 5
Notes: [ ] = unconfirmed record; * = possibly extinct at the site.
Threats to Biodiversity
Currently, the biggest threat to biodiversity at Phong Nha IBA is hunting, which is widespread at the s
ite and reprents a particular threat to populations of primates and large mammals. Levels of hunting are high in respon to high demand f rom the wildlif e trade. In addition to hunting, illegal timber extraction is also a major threat to
biodiversity, and, again, occurs largely in respon to commercial demand 1
Due to the unsuitability of the limestone karst terrain, the rate of habitat loss to date at Phong Nha has been
relatively low 5
. However, a road, which is currently being constructed through the IBA, may result in incread rates
of habitat loss and disturbance to key species, especially globally threatened primates 1
. The on-going construction of National Highway 2 clo to the IBA is also a cau f or concern, as this may f acilitate human ttlement in the surrounding area, thereby increasing human pressure on
natural resources. Another potential threat to biodiversity at the site is tourism development. To date, however, tourism development at the site has been concentrated on the cave systems, and impacts on f orest habitats have been limited.
Conrvation Actions
• In 1986, the government of Vietnam decreed the establishment of a cultural and historical site at Phong Nha 1
• In 1993, Phong Nha Cultural and Historical Site was upgraded to nature rerve status and a management board
was established 1
• In 1998, with f unding f rom the UK Department f or International Development, WWF initiated a transboundary conrvation project at Phong Nha, entitled Linking Hin Namno and Phong Nha through Parallel
Conrvation 1
• In 1998, Fauna and Flora International initiated a conrvation project at Phong Nha-Ke Bang, comprising
capacity building and f ield survey components 1
• In December 2001, the government of Vietnam decreed the establishment of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, comprising Phong Nha Nature Rerve and part of the Ke Bang limestone area.
• Koln Zoo is currently developing plans to undertake capacity building activities and f urther biological surveys
at the site 1
National park management regulations, particularly controls on hunting and timber extraction should be ef f ectively enf orced.
Threat Severity Agricultural intensification / expansion ● Hunting ● ● Infrastructure development ● ● Recreation / tourism ●
Selective logging / cutting
● ●
• Strict controls on human ttlement along the route of National Highway 2 should be introduced, in order to minimid incread pressures on the natural resources of the IBA f ollowing construction of this road.
• All propod inf rastructure developments at the national park, particularly tho involving road construction, should be subjected to caref ul Environmental Impact Asssment, and appropriate mitigation measures should be implemented.
• A tourism management board, including reprentatives of the national park management board, the provincial tourism company and other local stakeholders, should be established as a basis f or environmentally sustainable tourism development at the site.
1. BirdLif e International and the Forest Inventory and Planning Institute (2001) Sourcebook of existing and
propod protected areas in Vietnam. Hanoi: BirdLif e International Vietnam Programme and the Forest Inventory and Planning Institute.
2. Eames, J. C., Lambert, F. R. and Nguyen Cu (1994) A survey of the Anname Lowlands, Vietnam, and its
implications f or the conrvation of Vietname and Imperial Pheasants Lophura hatinhensis and L. imperialis.
Bird Conrvation International 4(4): 343-382.心情不好的时候怎么调节情绪
3. Duckworth, J. W., Salter, R. E. and Khounboline, K. eds. (1999) Wildlife in Lao P.D.R.: 1999 status report.
Vientiane: IUCN, Wildlif e Conrvation Society and the Centre f or Protected Areas and Watershed Management.
4. Eames, J. C. and Tordof f, A. W. (in prep.) Recent records and a conrvation status review of some threatened
and near-threatened bird species in Vietnam.
5. Nguyen Xuan Dang, Pham Nhat, Pham Trong Anh, Hendrichn, D. (1998) Results of surveys on mammal fauna
in Phong Nha – Ke Bang area, Quang Binh, Vietnam: July 1-August 21, 1998. Unpublished report to the Fauna & Flora International Indochina Programme, Hanoi.
6. Timmins, R. J., Do Tuoc, Trinh Viet Cuong and Hendrichn, D. K. (1999) A preliminary asssment of the
conrvation importance and conrvation priorities of the Phong Nha-Ke Bang propod national park, Quang Binh province, Vietnam. Hanoi: Fauna & Flora International Indochina Programme.
Sooty Babbler Stachyris herberti
Directory of Important Bird Areas in Vietnam141