PLAT026_ALERT_3_B Ratio Obrved / Unique Reflections too Low .... 31 Perc.
PLAT022_ALERT_3_B Ratio Unique / Expected Reflections too Low .... 0.89拓展游戏
RINTA01_ALERT_3_B The value of Rint is greater than 0.15
Rint given 0.152伤感情歌大全
PLAT020_ALERT_3_B童话梦 The value of Rint is greater than 0.10 ......... 0.15
PLAT341_ALERT_3_B守节 Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds (x 1000) Ang ... 19
PLAT601_ALERT_2_B Structure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 189.00 A**3