Alessandro Anzalone Ph D
Alessandro Anzalone, Ph.D.
Hillsborough Community College关于狗的资料
Brandon Campus
1.Heating and Cooling of Metals
2.The Iron Carbon Pha Diagram
The Iron-Carbon Pha Diagram
3.Nonferrous Pha Diagrams
4.Principles of Heat Treating中山舰
5.Heat Treating Ferrous Metals
6.Solution Heat Treating and Precipitation Hardening
(Hardening Nonferrous Metals)
7.Strengthening by Plastic Deformation and Alloying
9.Heating Equipment
Temperature versus Time Curves Temperature versus Time Curves
The states (liquid and solid) and the different atom lattices are referred to as phas (a pha being something parate, distinct, and homogeneous), so when the changes occur they are
f d t h h d di f h th
referred to as pha changes, and a diagram of where the真的变了
changes take place is called a pha diagram. On the iron—
carbon pha diagram lines marked liquidus and solidus are
shown. Liquidus indicates the temperatures at which the various compositions of the alloy begin to become solid as the
temperature is reduced. Solidus indicates the temperatures at
which the various compositions of the alloy are completely solid, and thus all liquid is abnt. The ferrite and austenite phas are
志愿服务总结q p very important in heat treating and manufacturing.
如何关闭电脑Fe-Fe3C Pha Diagram, Materials Science and Metallurgy, 4th ed., Pollack, Prentice-Hall, 1988
Eutectic The root of this word means the lowest melting point. In Figure 3.4 the lowest melting point can be en at 4.3 percent
carbon, and this point is identified as the eutectic in Figure 3.3. A t ti b th t t l i l d i th ll
eutectic can occur becau the two metals involved in the alloy
system lack complete solubility; that is, they have partial
solubility, which also means they are partially insoluble. Eutectoid This word has the same root as eutectic but now refers to metals that are solids, so instead of being the lowest melting
point it is the lowest temperature at which one solid pha
transforms into other solid phas. The eutectoid also occurs
铁板牛肉becau of insolubility, and in Figure 3.4 it can be en that the single-pha austenite transforms into two phas, ferrite and