班 级: 课次数: 学科教师: | ||
教学组长签名及日期 | ||
课 题 | 生活口语(Weather and Seasons 天气与季节) | |
授课时间: | 备课时间: | |
教学目标 | 如何用英语聊天气与季节。 | |
重点、难点 | 词汇、常用句型以及中英思维的转换。 | |
考点及考试要求 | 如何用英语聊天气与季节。 | |
教学内容 | ||
Part 1: Spoken English in Weather and Seasons. 天气与季节口语。 A:What do you think about the weather in summer in Shanghai? B:It tends to be very hot and humid. 往往会又热又潮湿。 Vocabulary 词汇 chilly 严寒的 snowy 下雪的 mild 温和的 foggy 金华哪里好玩雾蒙蒙的 windy 刮风的 cool 凉爽的 rainy 下雨的 Phra 短语 今天天气怎么样? How’s the weather today? How’s the weather in winter in Beijing? What’s the weather like in New York? What’s it like outside today? 天气晴朗。 It’s a fine day. It’s a nice day. It’s sunny. The sun is shinning brightly. How nice the weather is! 气温又上升了。 The temperature has climbed up again. The temperature has soared again. 白百合图片It is becoming hotter and hotter. It will reach a high of 30 degrees. 公交车文A: The temperature has soared again. 气温又上升了。 华硕k550jB: I hope it will cool off soon. 我希望天气会很快凉爽起来。 如果说气温要降到…度,用:It will fall to a low of …degrees. 看起来要下雨。 It looks like rain. It ems that the rain is coming . It’s going to rain. It looks like a storm is coming. 中国人说大雨、小雨,而西方人却给雨分出轻重,他们说heavy rain , light rain。 涯词语雨天要穿雨衣(raincoat)、雨鞋(rubber boots),打雨伞(umbrella) 雨下得很大。 It’s raining hard. It’s raining heavily. The rain is pouring down. It’s raining cats and dogs. to rain cats and dogs 是个成语,意思是“下倾盆大雨” What a heavy rain! It is raining off and on. 雨时停时下。 雨停了。 The rain has let up. The rain is finally over. The shower has stopped. The shower has stopped. It’ll clear up soon. It ems to be clearing up. 这里夏天经常下雨吗? Does it often rain here in summer? How much rain did you have last month? What’s the yearly average rainfall in/of New York? Is there a lot of rain in this region in summer? 天气预报经常不准确。 Sometimes weather forecasts are not accurate. Quite often the weather forecast is not accurate. Most of the time weather forecasts are not accurate. A: The weatherman said it would be a fine day. But look, it has never been raining so heavy. B: Quite often the weather forecast is not accurate. 盛夏时,每天都会有雷雨。 In the middle of summer, there can be thunderstorms everyday. Practical Sentences 实用句型 Dialogue 1 天气不错 A: Beautiful day, isn’t it? B: Yes, it’s not like what the radio said at all. A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. B: As long as it doesn’t snow! Dialogue 2 天气真糟糕 A: The weather is terrible. B: Yes. It was sunny and warm yesterday but the wind is really blowing hard now. A: I’m wearing my heavy jacket. B: I’m going to put on more clothes too. Dialogue 3 韩国天气 A:What’s the weather like during summer in Korea? B: It’s usually hot, wet and humid. A: Then which ason of the year do you like best? B:I love the autumn weather. It’s usually bright, sunny, and mild.开工啦 Dialogue 4 天气闷热 A: What’s the weather gonna be like tomorrow? B: The weather forecast calls for another scorching day. 天气预报上说,明天又是灼热的一天。 A: Don’t tell me the highs will be in the 90’s again. B: Well, at least it will be a dry day with low humidity. Dialogue 5 阴天 天上明月A: I wonder when this wet weather will clear up. 我在想,什么时候这种阴雨天会放晴。 B: Not for a while, becau we’re in the middle of the monsoon ason. 暂时不会,我们正处于季风季节。 A: I’m getting sick and tired of the hot, muggy and gloomy weather. 我受够了这闷热、阴沉的天气。 B: But it beats frigid weather of winter, doesn’t it? And the weatherman expects overcast skies to clear up by sunri and winds to die down. 八王之乱简介可是至少比干冷的冬天要好点吧。天气预报说,天会多云转晴,风力减弱。Recognize the International Phonetic Alphabet. 认识国际音标。 国际音标48,元音(vowel)20,辅音(consonant)28。元音分为单元音和双元音,单元音12,双元8。 元音 20 12个单元音 长元音 /i:/ /ɜ:/ /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /u:/ 短元音 /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/ /ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ʊ/ /ə/ 8个双元音 /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ 辅音 28 清辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /h/ /tʃ/ /ts/ /tr/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ /r/ /dʒ/ /dz/ /dr/ /j/ /w/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /l/ 10对对立辅音: 爆破音 /p/ /b/、/t/ /d/、/k/ /g/ 摩擦音/f/ /v/、/s/ /z/、/ʃ/ /ʒ/ 、/θ/ /ð/ 破擦音 /tʃ/ /dʒ/、/tr/ /dr/、/ts/ /dz/ 8个独立辅音: 声门擦音 /h/ 近音 /r/ 鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ 舌侧音 /l/ 半元音/w/ /j/ | ||
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