How to Write Achievements on your CV.
很好听的英文歌In sales it is not the features that are purchad, it is the benefits of the product or rvice offered. In job arching,, you might be an expert in your profession - the best there is, but that is not why you are employed. It is becau your skills (features) can make a contribution, you achieve (benefit) things for your employer. It is the "benefits" that is the real reason you are employed. When thinking about your achievements at work and for writing your Curriculum Vitae (CV), it is necessary to ask yourlf a question 'Who benefited from my work and how'? Thereafter, when talking about yourlf, or when writing your CV career or objective statement can become what is known as benefit laden.
Exerci 1 - What Have You Done?
特殊儿童* to increa your company profits / revenues
* to demonstrate you are a high performer
* to satisfy your customer / clients
* to improve quality or rvice to reduce costs
* to increa quality
* that you are proud of
* to increa efficiency
* trained/supervid others
* received awards/decorations
* instituted new procedures
* reduced inventory levels
* identified problems
* installed new systems
* incread safety
* decread scrap家居布置
* reduced abnteeism
* What were the results ?
* What did this mean ?
* What could the company do now ?
* So what ?
* For what ?
* By how much ?
* How many ?
* Which ones ?
* Why were you chon ?
Employers are more interested in what you can achieve for them, than the skills you posss. The interviewer will try to establish what benefits you will bring to the company, and where your benefits might be greater than tho of other candidates. Your CV should be prented as a benefits package to the your prospective employer, a uful tip before the interview is to practice putting together uful phras starting with:-
Which ?
Which .?
The ?
We ?
The ?
S.T.A.R. reprents 3 ways to begin to demonstrate your achievements, or in other words how your key skills are applied in work. S describes the "Situation" T = the "Task" as does the A, the "Action" expressing specific activities or or what you do hands-on. R is the "Result" describing the impact or conquence of the tasks or actions taken. The results are your 'value' and will be expected by hiring managers to lect candidates. Your STAR examples should illustrate your depth of knowledge, level of ability and value for each key skill.
Situation / Task
While in the Consumer Division as Product Manager, I was assigned to a team of product developers on a high risk product.
I performed market rearch and carried out customer surveys that identified historical market trends for annual projections and successfully rewrote the proposals.
This eliminated redundancies, incread efficiencies and provided and opportunity for success.
__________________________________________________________ PROJECT MANAGEMENT:
Situation / Task:
I was responsible implementing a rearch project for a new product development group.
I developed a team of rearchers, conducted rearch, wrote survey reports, and chaired focus groups.
All goals and requirements established by the customer were met and product was abandoned savin
g the company £12 million.
__________________________________________________________ PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT:
I was responsible for overeing the development of Desktop Services for high value customer accounts.
I defined product rvices and a rollout strategy for the operations, developed a business plan and successfully sourced funding.
Product was implemented on time and within budget, this also provided complete customer satisfaction and repeat business.
The results are your 'value' and will be expected to be en on your CV by hiring managers. Your STAR examples should illustrate your depth of knowledge, level of ability and value for each skill. Identify the time frame (begin - end dates) for each STAR example and monetary or time savings to the company if you can.
__________________________________________________________________ When you are finished, go back to each job and think about what you might have done above and beyond the call of duty. What did you contribute to each of your jobs?
> Did you exceed sales quotas each month?
> Did you save the company money?
> Did you solve a problem?
> Did you develop a new procedure?
> Did you promote a new product?
> Did you expand business or attract / retain customers?
> Did you improve the company's image or build new relationships?
> Did you improve the quality of a product?
> Did you do something that made the company more competitive?
Write down any achievements that show potential employers what you have done in the past, which translates into what you might be able to do for them. Quantify whenever possible. Numbers are always impressive. Remember, you are trying to motivate the potential employer to buy . . . you ! Convince your reader that you will be able to generate a significant return on their investment in you. You are lling yourlf so stress the benefit and contribution you can make to your prospective employer.
Achievements in your CV
Successfully applying for a job means showing your employer that you are more suitable than the other candidates. Job application numbers for a particular vacancy vary from tens to hundreds. You will usually need to be short-listed among the first twenty in order to be offered an interview. Only CVs that have impresd the employer will make it to this stage.
When recruiting people, employers reduce the CV list to around forty or fifty candidates. The difference between the chon candidates and the others is a well prented CV and cover letter.
What did they do differently?
The way they prented their achievements. In this tutorial we will explain how you can word your achievements in a more suitable manner. Employers are attracted to achievements becau they want the applicant to repeat them in their own business.
How Employers look at your Achievements?
Employers receive dozens and sometimes hundreds of applications when they begin recruiting, so in order to stand out in a crowd; your CV should identify and then highlight tho aspects of your caree
r that promote your abilities.
Employers want employees that will add value to their organisation. This value adding can come in the form of raising profits, reducing expenditure, improving staff morale and productivity etc. In order for you to demonstrate the value you can add to an employers business you need to detail past achievements that cover some of the value adding aspects on your CV.
If you can add at least six significant achievements on your CV you will have the edge over other equally qualified experienced candidates when it comes to being short-listed for an interview.
So what specifically is an achievement?
Achievements are the results that you personally bring about while fulfilling a certain role. It is not the same as duties that you perform as listed in your job description. Everyone with that same job has tho! You want to identify that something extra that you did which benefited the organisation.
For example:
Rather than stating that 'you were responsible for a team of 10 people', you could instead say that you 'planned, arranged and hosted a team building away day, which resulted in improved communic
ations within the office'.
Meanwhile employers are most interested in profits so identifying areas where you incread profit margins is always a good achievement to mention. As are any things which you did that were instrumental in reducing expenditure and increasing efficiency.
Not all achievements have to have occurred in the workplace. You can mention your Involvement in a community project that had a positive result, or sporting achievements.
In this tutorial we will explain how you can word your achievements so as to reflect you at your best!
Define Achievement
七和的意思By defining the objectives of a particular position, it's possible to determine the achievements that employers will value.